The distance between a and B is 360 km. It takes 9 hours for a car to go from a to B and 6 hours for it to return. The average speed of the car is(

The distance between a and B is 360 km. It takes 9 hours for a car to go from a to B and 6 hours for it to return. The average speed of the car is(

Average speed:
=48 (km / h)

The distance between a and B is 360 km. A car drives from a to B at the speed of 90 km per hour. After arriving at B, it immediately returns along the original road and returns to Shi Ping
The average speed of this car is calculated

Time to use 360 △ 90 = 4 hours
Return time 360 △ 72 = 5 hours
Average speed = (360 + 360) / (4 + 5) = 80 km / h

The speed ratio of the fast train to the slow train is 7:4. When the fast train reaches the midpoint, the slow train lags behind the fast train by 150 kilometers. When the fast train reaches the destination, how many kilometers does the slow train travel?

The answer should be 400
We can set the speed of fast train as 7V and the speed of slow train as 4V. The distance between a and the midpoint of two places is s, and the same time is t
Then: S = 4vt + 150
There are two formulas as follows:
It takes 2T for the express train to arrive at B
Then: the driving distance of vehicle B is 4vt x 2 = 400

An express train and a local train go from place a to place B at the same time. When the express train runs half of the whole journey, the local train is 54 kilometers away from place B. when the express train reaches the destination, it will be slow

When the express train runs half of the whole journey, the slow train runs 3 / 8 △ 2 = 3 / 16. At this time, there are still 1-3 / 16 = 13 / 16 lines, but it is exactly 54 km. So 54 △ 13 / 16 = 864 / 13.3/8 △ 2 = 3 / 16 1-3 / 16 = 13 / 16 54 △ 13 / 16 = 864 / 13