The fast train and the slow train go from place a to place B at the same time. When the fast train reaches the midpoint, the slow train is 25 kilometers away from the midpoint. When the fast train reaches place B, the slow train goes Seven eighths of the way, how many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

The fast train and the slow train go from place a to place B at the same time. When the fast train reaches the midpoint, the slow train is 25 kilometers away from the midpoint. When the fast train reaches place B, the slow train goes Seven eighths of the way, how many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

When the express arrives at B, the local train is 50 kilometers away from B, and one eighth of the whole journey is 50 kilometers, so the whole journey is 400 kilometers

The fast train and the slow train set out from the first place to the second place at the same time. The fast train runs 60 kilometers per hour, and the slow train runs 40 kilometers per hour. After the fast train arrives at the second place, take a rest for 1.5 hours and then follow the train
Return the same way and meet the local bus on the way. It is known that the local bus has been running for 6 hours when it met. Q: how many meters are there between a and B?
With the formula of the travel problem, it's better to have a thought

Because the two cars meet in 6 hours, the express actually runs in 6-1.5 hours, that is 4.5 hours. When they meet, the two cars travel twice the distance
[40 * 6 + 60 * (6-1.5)] / 2 = (240 + 270) / 2 = 255 km

The distance between a and B is 270 km. The local train starts from a place at the speed of 50 km / h, and the express train starts from B place at the speed of 60 km / h. The local train starts from B place for 1.5 hours, and the two trains are facing each other. If the local train starts from X (hours), the two trains meet, then the equation is as follows--------------------
Better bring an explanation. Quick


(a local train starts from place a, traveling 60 kilometers per hour. One hour after the local train leaves, the express train also starts from place a, traveling 90 kilometers per hour. The express train takes several hours
A slow train starts from place a and travels 60 kilometers per hour. One hour after the slow train leaves, the fast train starts from place a with a speed of 90 kilometers per hour. After a few hours, the fast train can catch up with the slow train (solved by the linear equation with one variable)

Set up after X hours can chase a slow train