An express train and a local train leave at the same time from two stations 576km apart, and meet four hours later. It is known that the speed of the express train is twice that of the local train. How many kilometers do the two trains travel per hour?

An express train and a local train leave at the same time from two stations 576km apart, and meet four hours later. It is known that the speed of the express train is twice that of the local train. How many kilometers do the two trains travel per hour?

(1) Slow train speed: 576 △ 4 △ 2 + 1, = 144 △ 3, = 48 (km). (2) fast train speed: 48 × 2 = 96 (km). Answer: fast train runs 96 km per hour, slow train 48 km per hour

An express train and a local train leave from two stations 576km apart at the same time. Four hours later, the two trains meet. It is known that the speed of the express train is twice that of the local train,
How many kilometers does the two cars travel? (use the equation to solve) (write the design)

If the slow train x is set, the fast train speed is 2x
The solution is x = 48
So fast train speed 96, slow train speed 48
So the express train takes 384km and the local train 192km