From place a to place B, it takes four hours for the express train to complete the whole journey, one hour faster than the local train. How much faster is the speed of the express train than the local train?

From place a to place B, it takes four hours for the express train to complete the whole journey, one hour faster than the local train. How much faster is the speed of the express train than the local train?


The fast train and the local train go from place a to place B at the same time. When the fast train reaches 2 / 5 of the whole journey, the local train is still 120km away from place B. according to this speed
The two trains continue to drive. When the express train arrives at place B, the ratio of the distance traveled by the local train to the distance not traveled by the local train is 5:2. How many km is the distance between the two places?

When the express train arrives at the second place, the local train takes 5 (5 + 2) = 5 / 7 of the whole journey
That is to say, the speed of slow train is 5 / 7 of that of fast train
When the fast train reaches 2 / 5 of the whole journey, the slow train reaches 2 / 5x5 / 7 of the whole journey
The local train is 1-2 / 7 = 5 / 7 away from B
The distance between the two places is 120 △ 5 / 7 = 168 km

At the same time, the express train and the local train go from place a to place B. when the express train reaches the midpoint of the whole journey, the local train runs 64 kilometers. At this speed, when the express train reaches place B, the local train runs 4 / 5 of the whole journey, and the distance between a and B is several thousand meters?

At the same time, the express train and the local train go from place a to place B. when the express train reaches the middle point of the whole journey, the local train runs for 72 kilometers. At this speed, when the express train reaches place B
How many kilometers is the distance between a and B?

When the express train reaches the midpoint (half), the local train runs for 72 kilometers. When the express train completes the whole journey, the local train must run for another 72 kilometers,
72 + 72 = 144 km is 2 / 3 of the whole journey, so the whole journey is 144 × 2 / 3 = 144 × 3 / 2 = 216 km