There are 40 kg of oil in the two barrels. After 1 / 6 of the oil in barrel a is poured into barrel B, the weight ratio of the two barrels is 3:5. How many kg of the original oil in barrel a?

There are 40 kg of oil in the two barrels. After 1 / 6 of the oil in barrel a is poured into barrel B, the weight ratio of the two barrels is 3:5. How many kg of the original oil in barrel a?

Now there are 40 △ (3 + 5) × 3 = 15 (kg)
The original barrel has 15 △ 1-1 / 6 = 18 (kg)

The two barrels each contained 15kg of oil. The salesman sold 14kg of oil. Later, the salesman poured part of the remaining barrel a to barrel B to double the amount of oil in barrel B, and then poured part of the remaining barrel B to barrel a to double the amount of oil in barrel A. at this time, barrel a oil was just three times that of barrel B. Q: how many kilograms of oil did the salesman sell from each barrel?

After selling, the sum of the remaining oil in the two barrels is 15 × 2-14 = 16 (kg), so when the oil in barrel a is just three times that in barrel B, barrel B: 16 △ 3 + 1 = 4 (kg), barrel a: 4 × 3 = 12 (kg), barrel B: 12 △ 1 + 1 = 6 (kg), barrel B: 4 + 6 = 10 (kg), barrel a: 12-6 = 6 (kg), barrel a: 10 △ 1 + 1 = 5 (kg), barrel B is the same There are: 10-5 = 5 (kg), then a barrel has 6 + 5 = 11 (kg), then a barrel sells 15-11 = 4 (kg), B barrel sells: 15-5 = 10 (kg) a: the salesman sells 4 kg from a barrel and 10 kg oil from B barrel

There are two barrels of oil a and B. If you pour 15 Jin of oil from barrel a, the two barrels of oil are equal; if you pour 48 Jin of oil from barrel B into barrel a, the two barrels of oil are equal
There are two barrels of oil a and B. If you pour 15 Jin of oil from barrel a, the two barrels of oil are equal; if you pour 48 Jin of oil from barrel B, the oil in barrel a is 4 times of that in barrel B. How many jin of oil is there in a barrel?

Suppose there is x Jin of oil in barrel a and Y Jin of oil in barrel B
The solution is x = 120, y = 90
So there is 120 Jin of oil in a barrel

There are two barrels of oil a and B. If 15 liters of oil is injected into barrel a, there will be the same amount of oil; if 145 liters of oil is injected into barrel B, the oil in barrel B is barrel a
Three times as much as a barrel. How many liters of the original B barrel oil

Let cylinder a be x liter and cylinder B be y liter
X = 80 liters
Y = 95 liters
A: the original B barrel of oil has 95 liters

There are two barrels of oil, a and B. If a barrel of oil is injected with 15 liters, the two barrels of oil are equal. If B barrel of oil is injected with 145 liters, B barrel of oil is three times of a barrel of oil?

Let a be X. let a be an equation

The oil in barrel a is 3.6kg heavier than that in barrel B. If one kilogram is taken from each of the two barrels, the remaining one twentieth of the oil in barrel a is equal to the remaining one seventh of the oil in barrel B, how many kilogram of the original oil in barrel a
The oil in barrel a is 3.6kg heavier than that in barrel B. If one kilogram is taken from each of the two barrels, the remaining one twentieth of the oil in barrel a is equal to the remaining one seventh of the oil in barrel B, then how much kilogram of the original oil in barrel a

Suppose B has XKG, then a is x + 3.6kg, then from the solution of (x + 2.6) / 20 = (x-1) / 7, we get x = 2.94, a is 2.94 + 3.6 = 6.54kg

The oil in barrel a is 3.6kg more than that in barrel B. if the remaining 221 in barrel a is equal to the remaining 17 in barrel B after 1kg is taken out of each barrel, then the original oil in barrel a is the same______ Kilogram

Let a barrel of oil have an original weight of x kg, then B barrel of oil has an original weight of x-3.6 kg. According to the meaning of the title, (x-1) × 221 = (x-3.6-1) × 17, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 221x-221 = 17x-2335, & nbsp; & nbsp; 2335 − 221 = 17x-221x, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

The oil in barrel a is 3.6kg more than that in barrel B. twenty one percent of the oil in barrel a is equal to one seventh of that in barrel B. how many kilos of the original oil in barrel a?

1 / 21 of a = 1 / 7 of B
So weight a: B = 1:7, 1:21 = 3:1
So the weight of a is 3-1 than that of B = 2 phr. A is 3.6 kg than that of B, so 1 phr = 3.6 △ 2 = 1.8 kg
There are 3 parts of a, so the weight of a is 1.8 × 3 = 5.4 kg
A: a used to have 5.4kg of oil

The number of barrels of a and B oil in stock is 5 to 3. 90 barrels are delivered from a to B. at this time, the ratio of a and B oil depots is 2 to 3. How many barrels are there in B oil depot now?

There are 5x oil barrels in a oil depot and 3x oil barrels in B oil depot
The solution is: x = 50
So now there are 3x + 90 = 150 + 90 = 240 barrels in B oil depot

The ratio of a and B is 5:3. 90 barrels are transported from a warehouse and put into B warehouse. The ratio of a and B is 2:3. How many barrels of original oil in B warehouse?

90 (55 + 3-22 + 3), = 90 (58 − 25), = 90 (940), = 400 (barrel), 400 (3 + 5) × 3, = 400 (8 × 3, = 50 × 3, = 150 (barrel); answer: B barrel has 150 barrels of original oil