The weight ratio of a and B bags of rice is 7:6. Take out 40 kg from a bag and put it into B generation. The weight ratio of a and B bags of rice is 5:8. How many tons of rice were originally loaded in B generation

The weight ratio of a and B bags of rice is 7:6. Take out 40 kg from a bag and put it into B generation. The weight ratio of a and B bags of rice is 5:8. How many tons of rice were originally loaded in B generation

y197299 ,
The proportion of nail bags in the total amount was as follows:
The percentage of nail bags in the total amount was as follows:
Party A and Party B used to pack rice together:
40 (7 / 13-5 / 13) = 260 (kg) = 0.26 (T)

There are two bags of rice. The weight of a bag of rice is 1.2 times that of B bag. If 5 kg is poured out of a bag and put into B bag, there will be as many as two bags

Pour 5 kg out of bag a and put it into bag B. the two bags are the same. It turns out that a is 5 * 2 more than B = 10 kg
So B used to have 10 / (1.2-1) = 50 kg
A: 50 * 1.2 = 60kg

One third of the number a is 2 less than that of the number B. one half of the number a is four fifths of the number B. what is the sum of a and B?

Let a be x and B be y
The solution, the solution

One third of the number a is 2 less than the number B. one half of the number a equals four fifths of the number B. what is the sum of the number a and the number B

Let a be x, B be y, two relations, two equations, and then simultaneous equations

If the number of a is 6 more than that of B, and one half of a is four fifths of B, what is the sum of a and B?

Let a be x, then B be 5x / 8;
16 for a and 10 for B
And 26

Three times the number of a equals one half of the number of B=

Word count patch

A and B are not equal to 0. If half of a is equal to one third of B, then a is greater than B. right or wrong?

One half of a is equal to one third of B
A × 1 / 2 = B × 1 / 3
3A = 2B
So big B

If one-half of a is equal to one-third of B (A and B are not 0), then a: B = (): ()


There are 1000 books on the two bookshelves. It is known that one third of a's books are 50 more than one half of B's books. How many books do a and B have

Because one third of a's books are 50 volumes more than one half of B's books,
So a has three 50 volumes more than B's three halves,
First, remove the 150 volumes that a is more than 3 / 2 of B, that is, the remaining part of a is 3 / 2 of B
B 340
A 1000-340 = 660
This step does not need to be verified by yourself: A is more than 3 / 2 of B, 150340x3 / 2 + 150 = 660

A, B two containers a total of 1000 grams of salt water, take out half from a container, take out one third from B container, the results of two containers in total
The remaining 600 grams of salt water, a, B two containers in the original number of grams of salt water

Let a be x g and B be 1000-x G
A used to be 400 grams, B used to be 600 grams