A. B is 375 km away from each other. Car a runs 67 km per hour, and car B runs 58 km per hour. The two cars leave each other at the same time. How many hours do they meet?

A. B is 375 km away from each other. Car a runs 67 km per hour, and car B runs 58 km per hour. The two cars leave each other at the same time. How many hours do they meet?

375 (67 + 58) = 375 (125) = 3 (hours) a: after 3 hours

The first bus runs 192 kilometers in the first three hours and 58 kilometers in the second two hours. What's the average speed of this bus?

The sum of 192 and 58 divided by 5 is 50

How many hours did it take for two cars to travel at the same time from two places 276 kilometers apart, one 57 kilometers per hour and the other 58 kilometers per hour?

(276 + 69) / 57 + 58 = 3 (hours)

The cement of site a and site B is 5; 3, 36 tons are transported from site a to site B, and the ratio is 4; 6. How many tons of cement is there in site a,

1. Using the number of shares to solve the problem
Suppose that the original number of shares of Party A and Party B is 5 and 3, and the later number is 4:6, but the total number of shares has not changed, so the number of shares of Party A and Party B is 3.2 and 4.8 at this time. The change of 1.8 shares corresponds to 36 tons, and each share is 20 tons. Then the original number of shares of Party A and Party B is 100 tons and 60 tons respectively
2. Solve by equation
It turned out to be x tons per copy
The solution is x = 20 tons

Two motorcades transported 240 tons of cement to the construction site, 60 tons more than three times that of team B. how many tons did Team B transport

Let B transport x tons
Team B transported 60 tons of cement
Equality relation: tonnage transported by team B × 3 + 60 = tonnage transported by team a
Complete enough, choose me

Two motorcades transported cement to the construction site. Team a transported 240 tons, 60 tons less than team B three times. How many tons did Team B transport? Use different equations to solve?

Team B transported x tons
Then (240 + 60) = 3x
Or 3x-60 = 240
The solution is x = 100 (tons)

Two teams of cement were transported to the construction site. Team a transported 240 tons, 60 tons less than team B three times. How many tons did Team B transport
Calculation by two methods of equation

Let B transport x tons. Let B transport x tons
3x-60=240 3x=240+60
3x-60+60=240+60 3x=300
3x=300 3x÷3=300÷3
3x÷3=300÷3 x=100
A: Team B transported 100 tons

Two motorcades transported 240 tons of cement to the construction site, 60 tons more than three times of the existing motorcade
Two motorcades transported 240 tons of cement to the construction site, 60 tons more than three times of the existing motorcade. How many tons of cement has been transported by the existing motorcade

(240-60) / 3 = 60 tons

It is known that the sum of number a and number B is 300, and 25 of number a is 55 more than 14 of number B. then what are the numbers a and B?

The number of a number is x, so the number of B is 300-x, and from the meaning of the topic, you can get: 25X - (300-x) × 14 = 55 & amp & nbsp; from: 25X - (300-x-300-x) × 14 = 55 & nbsp; from the meaning of the topic: 25X - (300-x) × 14 = 14 = 55 & nbsp; from the meaning of the topic, you can get: 25X - (300-x - (300-x)) × 14 = 55 & amp & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp; & amp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp; & & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp; & & nbsp; & & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp& nbsp; & nbsp; &A: the number a is 200 and the number B is 100

The two engineering teams of a and B jointly dug a 300 meter long canal. Two fifths of the canal dug by team a is 55 meters more than one fourth of that dug by team B. how much did each team dig
Linear equation of one variable

If a digs x meters, B digs (300 -- x) meters,
According to the meaning of the title:
The solution of this equation is as follows
A: a dug 200 meters, B dug 100 meters