Party A and Party B run on a circular track with a circumference of 400 meters. The speed of Party A is 6 meters per second and that of Party B is 10 meters per second How many minutes will it take for two people to meet each other for the first time? (2) if two people are walking with their backs on the same ground at the same time, if after the first meeting, the speed of a increases by 2 m / s and that of B decreases by 2 m / S, how long will it take for them to meet each other for the second time?

Party A and Party B run on a circular track with a circumference of 400 meters. The speed of Party A is 6 meters per second and that of Party B is 10 meters per second How many minutes will it take for two people to meet each other for the first time? (2) if two people are walking with their backs on the same ground at the same time, if after the first meeting, the speed of a increases by 2 m / s and that of B decreases by 2 m / S, how long will it take for them to meet each other for the second time?

@"Science tutor" answers questions for you. 1) analysis: if you walk in the same direction at the same time, B runs one more circle than A. 400 / (10-6) = 100 seconds = 5 / 3 minutes. 2) analysis: from the first meeting to the second meeting, a and B run one circle

It is known that the speed of a is 250 m / min and that of B is 200 m / min. if two people walk in the same direction at the same time, how long will it take for them to meet for the first time? How long did it take to meet for the second time?

A: they first met in 8 minutes and second in 16 minutes

A and B run on a circular track with a circumference of 400 meters. B's speed is 80 meters per minute, and a's speed is five times that of B,
And a is 100 meters in front of B. how many minutes later did they meet for the first time?

Let's say that in X minutes we meet for the first time
80×5/4 x-80x=400-100