If the speed of a car from place a to place B is increased by 20%, it can arrive one hour earlier than the original time. If the speed is increased by 25% after driving 120 km at the original speed, it can arrive 40 minutes earlier______ Kilometers

If the speed of a car from place a to place B is increased by 20%, it can arrive one hour earlier than the original time. If the speed is increased by 25% after driving 120 km at the original speed, it can arrive 40 minutes earlier______ Kilometers

If the speed is increased by 20%, the time will be 11 + 20% = 56, which is 1 hour earlier than the original time. If the speed is increased by 25%, the time will be 11 + 25% = 45. If the speed is increased by 40 minutes, the remaining journey will take 4060 ÷ (1-45) = 103 hours. If the speed is increased by 40 minutes, the time will be 103 / 6 = 59, which is 103 / 6 = 59 of the original time A: the distance between a and B is 270 km

If the speed of a car from place a to place B is increased by 20%, it can arrive one hour earlier than the original time. If the speed is increased by 25% after driving 120 km at the original speed, it can arrive 40 minutes earlier______ Kilometers

If the speed is increased by 20%, the time will be 11 + 20% = 56, which is 1 hour earlier than the original time. If the speed is increased by 25%, the time will be 11 + 25% = 45. If the speed is increased by 40 minutes, the remaining journey will take 4060 △ 1-45 = 103 hours. If the speed is increased by 40 minutes, the time will be 103 △ 6 = 59, which is 103 △ 6 = 59 of the original time Cheng's (1-59), so the distance between a and B is 120 △ (1-59) = 270 km

If the speed of a car from a to B increases by 20%, it can arrive one hour earlier. If the first 100 meters are driven at the original speed and then increased by 30%, it can still arrive one hour earlier
How many meters is the distance between a and B

Speed increased by 20%, to the original 1 + 20% = 6 / 5
The same journey takes 5 / 6 of the original time
The original speed of the whole line, need: 1 (1-5 / 6) = 6 hours
Speed increased by 30%, to the original 1 + 30% = 13 / 10
The same journey takes 10 / 13 of the original time
If you drive at the original speed, you need to:
1 ÷ (1-10 / 13) = 13 / 3 hours
Then, the 100 meters before the acceleration took 6-13 / 3 = 5 / 3 hours
The original speed is 100 / 5 / 3 = 60m per hour
Distance between a and B: 60 × 6 = 360m

If you increase the speed by 25%, you can arrive 24 minutes earlier than the original time; if you increase the speed by one third after driving 80 km at the original speed, you can arrive at B 10 minutes earlier. How many kilometers are there between a and B

The speed is increased by 25%, that is, the speed is now 5 / 4, so the time used is 1 / (5 / 4) = 4 / 5. Therefore, 24 minutes in advance is 1 / 5 of the time used, that is, the total time needed is 24 / (1 / 5) = 120 minutes. Because the speed is increased by 1 / 3, the rest of the journey is only 1 / (1 + 1 / 3)) = 3 / 4