What's the quickest setting for cement

What's the quickest setting for cement

You mean Chu Ning
It is divided into initial setting and final setting. Initial setting is to lose fluidity and produce plasticity, generally not less than one hour; final setting is to produce strength, generally not less than five hours

How long is the setting time of general cement

Setting time: the time required for cement to be mixed with water to start setting is called initial setting time. The time required for cement to be mixed with water to complete setting is called final setting time. The initial setting time of Portland cement is not earlier than 45 minutes, and the final setting time is not later than 6.5 hours. In fact, the initial setting time is 1 ~ 3 hours, while the final setting time is 4 ~ 6 hours. The determination of cement setting time is carried out by a special setting time tester

It is known that 100 tons of cement can be transferred out from warehouse A and 80 tons can be transferred out from warehouse B. 70 tons are required in place a and 110 tons are required in place B. the distance and freight from warehouse A and warehouse B to warehouse A and warehouse B are shown in the table below. The distance (km) freight (yuan / ton. Km) a, B, a, B, a, B, a, B, a, B, a, B, a, B, a, B, a, B, a, B, a, B, a, B, a, B, a, B, B, a, B, B, a, B, B, a

It can be seen from the chart that the toll from warehouse A to place a is 20 × 12 = 240 yuan, the toll from warehouse A to place B is 25 × 10 = 250 yuan, the toll from warehouse B to place a is 15 × 12 = 180 yuan, and the toll from warehouse B to place B is 20 × 8 = 160 yuan= (10 + x) tons, according to the meaning of the title, we get 240x + 250 (100-x) + 180 (70-x) + 160 (10 + x) = 37100, and the solution is x = 70. A: if the freight is 37100 yuan, the transportation plan is: warehouse a delivers 70 tons of cement to place a, then 30 tons to place B, warehouse B delivers 0 tons of cement to place a, and 80 tons to place B

There are two cement warehouses with a mud storage ratio of 8:7. If 1 / 4 of a's mud is transported out and 6 tons of B's mud is transported in, how much is a 14 tons less than B

Let a be 8x and B be 7x
A: 64 tons