The distance between a and B is 100 kilometers. A rides a bicycle from a to B, Three hours after departure, B rides a motorcycle from a to B, and arrives two hours earlier than A. if B's speed is 2.5 times that of a, how many kilometers does a and B travel per hour

The distance between a and B is 100 kilometers. A rides a bicycle from a to B, Three hours after departure, B rides a motorcycle from a to B, and arrives two hours earlier than A. if B's speed is 2.5 times that of a, how many kilometers does a and B travel per hour

Three hours after the departure, B rides a motorcycle from a to B, and arrives two hours earlier than a, which means that B takes five hours less. If B's speed is 2.5 times that of a, B's speed ratio is 1:2.52:5, the same distance time ratio is 5:2, the difference is 3, B's time is five hours less, which means that a's time is 5x5 / 3 = 25 / 3, and B's time is 5x2 / 3

A and B set out at the same time from a and B, which are 100 kilometers apart. A rode and B walked,
In the process of walking, a's car broke down. It took an hour to repair the car. Four hours after starting, a and B met. It is known that a's speed is twice that of B, and a's car was repaired when they met. So, what's the speed of a and B?

Suppose that the velocity of solution B is x km
A: the speed of a and B is 20 km / h and 10 km / h respectively

If the speed of a car from place a to place B is increased by 20%, it can arrive one hour earlier than the original time. If the speed is increased by 25% after driving 120 km at the original speed, it can arrive 40 minutes earlier______ Kilometers

If the speed is increased by 20%, the time will be 11 + 20% = 56, which is 1 hour earlier than the original time. If the speed is increased by 25%, the time will be 11 + 25% = 45. If the speed is increased by 40 minutes, the remaining journey will take 4060 △ 1-45 = 103 hours, which is 40 minutes earlier