The passenger car and the freight car leave from the two places at the same time. It takes 10 hours for the passenger car to complete the whole journey and 15 hours for the freight car to complete the whole journey. After the two cars meet on the way, the passenger car travels another 96 kilometers. At this time, the ratio of the distance between the passenger car and the rest of the journey is 7:3. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places

The passenger car and the freight car leave from the two places at the same time. It takes 10 hours for the passenger car to complete the whole journey and 15 hours for the freight car to complete the whole journey. After the two cars meet on the way, the passenger car travels another 96 kilometers. At this time, the ratio of the distance between the passenger car and the rest of the journey is 7:3. How many kilometers is the distance between the two places

When meeting, the bus takes 15 (10 + 15) = 3 / 5
Later, 7 / (7 + 3) = 7 / 10
The distance is 96 ± (7 / 10-3 / 5) = 960km
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Now there are the same warehouses A and B. A and C are in warehouse A, B are in warehouse B at the same time. C helps a for a while, then turns to help B, and finally the two warehouses are finished at the same time

Now it is equivalent to three people working together to complete the workload 2, the time required is 2 / (1 / 10 + 1 / 12 + 1 / 15) = 8 hours, a can complete 8 / 10 in 8 hours, still need C to help carry (1-8 / 10) / 1 / 15 = 3 hours, B can complete 8 / 12 in 8 hours, still need C to help carry (1-8 / 10) / 1 / 15 = 3 hours

Party A, Party B and Party C have to carry two piles of goods
1. A, B and C have to carry two piles a and B. the goods in pile B are 5 / 4 times of those in pile A. if a carries the goods in pile a alone, it will be finished at 20:00 a.m., 24:00 B.M. and 30:00 C?
2. Xiao Ming's yard has a 600 cm utility room. He uses a 14 meter long rope to tie it to a corner of the utility room. Now the dog starts from point a and runs clockwise by tightening the rope. How many meters can it run?

1. Let a cargo be 1, then B cargo is 5 / 4, and C delivered t hours for a cargo
So the speed of a is 1 / 20, the speed of B is 1 / 24, and the speed of C is 1 / 30
(1 + 5 / 4) / (1 / 20 + 1 / 24 + 1 / 30) = 18 hours, that is to say, the time to complete the shipment is 18 hours, then C will help B to deliver (18-t) hours
The equation is 1 / 20 * 18 + 1 / 30t = 1
The solution is t = 3
So C helped a transport for 3 hours

A batch of goods is distributed to three teams of a, B and C according to the ratio of 2:3:4. What percentage of this batch of goods does team a transport? What percentage of this batch of goods does team B transport? What percentage of this batch of goods does team C transport`

A: 3 △ 12 = 1 / 4
B: 4 △ 12 = 1 / 3
C: 5 / 12 = 5 / 12