If the image of a function is known to pass through points (1,1) and (2, - 1), the analytic expression of the function and the range of X which makes the value of the function positive are obtained

If the image of a function is known to pass through points (1,1) and (2, - 1), the analytic expression of the function and the range of X which makes the value of the function positive are obtained

Let the analytic expression of this linear function be y = KX + B. then the solution of 1 = K + B − 1 = 2K + B is k = − 2B = 3, and the analytic expression of the function is y = - 2x + 3. From the meaning of the problem, we get - 2x + 3 > 0, and x < 32, so the range of X with positive value is x < 32