The commercial decimal of 7 divided by 8 is () and the percentage is ()

The commercial decimal of 7 divided by 8 is () and the percentage is ()

The commercial decimal representation of 7 divided by 8 is 0.875
87.5% in percentage

How to calculate fractional power on calculator
How can I press it

For example, 5 ^ (3 / 2), press the key in sequence:

How to calculate equation on computer?
There is an equation: 0.36x = x ^ 2-64 x =?
I want to know how to solve equations on the computer
It should be 3.6x = x ^ 2-64 x =?

General scientific calculators can solve any equation as long as you like. When I was in high school, I often used my scientific calculator to solve equations. As long as your calculator supports trigonometric function, exponential function and logarithmic function, basically all finite equations can be solved
I don't know how much you have learned in mathematics. If you have learned advanced mathematics, you can use the tangent method: remember that the equation is f (x) = 0, and the derivative of F (x) is f '(x)
The iterative formula x [K + 1] = x [k] - f (x [k]) / F '(x [k]) is adopted (the bracket denotes the subscript)
Until the value of F (x [K + 1]) satisfies the required accuracy
This method first determines the approximate range of X (generally between two integers, of course, the smaller the range is, the better), and then selects a point as x [0] for iteration (if it is found that f (x [k]) does not approach 0 in the iteration process, then it should change to an initial value or further narrow the range of roots
Let's take an example of transcendental equation
Let f (x) = x ^ 2 + e ^ X-9, then f '(x) = 2x + e ^ X
It is found that f (- 3) * f (- 2)

X △ 50 = x △ 60 + 2 to solve the equation


X + 26 + x = 50 to solve the equation

X + 26 = 50 how to solve the equation, urgent!


Please solve the equation: (26-x) * 4 = 50-x!


50 / x = 10 to solve the equation

50 / x = 10, obviously x is not equal to 0
So 50 = 10x
The solution is: x = 5

(X-10) X1 / 2 = 2 / 3x-50 + 10 to solve the equation


Solve the equation x / 50 * 30 + 10 (x / 30 + X / 50) = x
