The world's first electronic computer was born in

The world's first electronic computer was born in

In 1946, the first electronic computer, ENIAC, was made shortly after the Second World War. At that time, with the development of artillery, trajectory calculation became more and more complicated, and some of the original computers could not meet the requirements of use. There was an urgent need for a new fast calculation tool

There is no computer
-If the absolute value of the root m + 2 plus the square of the difference of the root n minus 5 = 0, then M + n is equal to () find the cube root of the following numbers: 63-10 of 1-64 find the value of the following formulas: the square root of the third root (- 5) 0.25 subtract the square root of the third root 27 find the value of X in the following formulas: the cube of x = 0.008 (x-1) = - 216

-Triple root 0.027
=-Cubic root sign (cubic power of 0.3)
Triple root - 1 and 1 / 125
=Cubic root (- 1 / 5 to the third power)
If we know the absolute value of the cubic root m + 2 plus the square of the difference of the root n minus 5 = 0, then M + n is equal to (3)
Because: the absolute value of the cubic root m + 2 is ≥ 0, and the root n minus 5 is ≥ 0
So, M + 2 = 0, N-5 = 0
Find the cube roots of the following numbers: 63-10 out of 1-64 to the sixth power
Cube root of (1-63 / 64)
=Cube root of (1 / 64)
-The cube root of the sixth power of 10
=-The second power of 10
Find the value of the following formula: cubic root (- 5) square root 0.25 minus cubic root 27
Cubic root (- 5) square
=Triple root 25
Root 0.25 minus triple root 27
Find the value of X in the following formula: cube of x = 0.008 (x-1) = - 216
Cube of x = 0.008
Cube of x = cube of 0.2
Cube of (x-1) = - 216
Cube of (x-1) = (- 6)

Grade 7 Volume 1 Biological Research Report (is carbon dioxide necessary for photosynthesis?)
Pay attention to the format of the inquiry report!
Remember to write the website
1. Research purpose:
5. The results are as follows
6. Analysis and exchange of experimental results, the experimental conclusions are as follows:

Is carbon dioxide a necessary raw material for photosynthesis? 1. Ask a question: is carbon dioxide a necessary raw material for photosynthesis? 2. Make a hypothesis: carbon dioxide is a necessary raw material for photosynthesis, and carbon dioxide is an indispensable condition for green leaves to produce organic matter

Write out a four digit number with unequal numbers in each digit, such as 8 631. Use each digit in the four digit number to form a maximum number and a minimum decimal, and subtract the minimum decimal from the maximum number to get a new four digit number. For the new four digit number, repeat the above process to get a new four digit number If you keep repeating this, what can you find? You can help yourself to explore with the help of calculator

For example: 2357, 7532-2357 = 51757551-1557 = 59949954-4599 = 535553-3555 = 19989981-1899 = 80828820-288 = 85328532-2358 = 6174

A commodity is priced at 40% of the profit, and then 15% off. Each commodity can still make a profit of 38 yuan. How much is the cost of each commodity?
dial the wrong number. It's a 15% discount.

Design cost X Yuan

If the price of a commodity is 100 yuan per piece, the net profit will be 25%. If you want to get 40% of the net profit, the price of each commodity should be () yuan

If the price of a commodity is 100 yuan per piece, the net profit will be 25%. If you want to get 40% of the net profit, the price of each commodity should be (112) yuan
The cost is: 100 / (1 + 25%) = 80 yuan
The price is: 80 * (1 + 40%) = 112

A commodity is purchased at the price of 500 yuan per piece. The profit is expected to be 40%. How much is the price per piece

500 × (1 + 40%) = 700 yuan

1. The purchase price of a commodity is 40 yuan, and the price is set at 30% profit. How much is the price? 2. A commodity is set at 20% profit, and the profit is 40 yuan. What is the purchase price of this commodity? 3. A commodity is set at 25% profit, and the price is 90 yuan. What is the original cost of the commodity? 4. A commodity is sold at 56 yuan, resulting in a loss of 20%, How much is the original cost of a commodity? 5. The cost of a commodity is 1000 yuan. First, it is priced at 25% of the profit, and then it is sold at a 70% discount. How much is the current price of the commodity? 6. The original price of a commodity is 45 yuan. After 20% reduction, it can get 20% of the profit. How much is the original cost of each commodity?

1.40×(1+30%)=52 2.40÷20%=200 3.90÷(1+25%)=72 4.56÷(1-20%)70 5.1000×(1+25%)×70%=875 6.45×(1-20%)÷(1+20%)=30

A commodity is priced at 40% higher than the cost, and then sold at a 20% discount. As a result, it earns 36 yuan. How much is the cost of this commodity?

(1 + 40%) × 80%, = 1.4 × 80%, = 112%; 36 ^ (112% - 1), = 36 ^ 0.12, = 300 yuan; answer: the cost price of this commodity is 300 yuan

During the festival, a shopping mall will sell a batch of goods at a lower price. If 10% of the price is subtracted, the profit will be 215 yuan. If 2% of the price is subtracted, the profit will be 215 yuan
If you sell it minus 20% of the price, you will lose 125 yuan. What's the purchase price of this commodity,

That is to say, if 215 + 125 = 340 is 10% of the price, then the price is 3400, 90% of the price is 3060, and if 215 is profitable, then the purchase price is 3060-215 = 2845