The area of a right triangle is 18 square centimeters, and the length of one right side is 6 centimeters. Is this triangle an axis of symmetry? Why?

The area of a right triangle is 18 square centimeters, and the length of one right side is 6 centimeters. Is this triangle an axis of symmetry? Why?

Yes, because the other corner is 6cm, that is, it is an isosceles right triangle, so it is symmetrical

If a > 0, b > 0 and 2A + B = 3, then AB 1 has a maximum of 9 / 8 2, a maximum of 3 3, a minimum of 9 / 8 4 and a minimum of 3

Option 1

The profit margin of commodity a is 30%, and that of commodity B is 40%. The total price of commodity a and commodity B is 470 yuan. The price of commodity a is 50 yuan more than that of commodity B
What is the cost of a and B?

The total price of Party A and Party B is 470 yuan. Party A's price is 50 yuan more than Party B's, so (470-50) / 2 = 210. This is Party B's price. 470-210 = 260. Party A's price. So the cost of Party B is 210 / (1 + 40%) = 150, and the cost of Party A is 260 / (1 + 30%) = 200

The area of a small room in my home is 580 long and 390 wide, which is equal to several square meters

Halo, 22.62 square

A unit builds a small house with the back against the wall. The floor area is 12m2. The cost of each square meter of the front of the house is 1200 yuan, the cost of each square meter of the side of the house is 800 yuan, and the cost of the roof is 5800 yuan. If the wall height is 3M, and the cost of the back and the ground is not included, how can we design the house to make the total cost the lowest? What is the lowest total cost?

As shown in the figure, if the length of the bottom is XM and the width is YM, then y = 12xm. If the total cost of the house is f (x), we can get f (x) = 3x · 1200 + 3 × 12x × 800 × 2 + 12 × 5800 = 4800 x + 12 × 3600 x + 580023600 × 12 × 4800 + 5800 = 34600 from the meaning of the title. If and only if x = 3, we take the equal sign

The total area of the room is 130 square meters. How much is the practical area?

About 20% of the shares are shared, and the practical estimate is within 110%

When buying a house, is the payment based on the floor area or the actual living area
Suppose a house has a building area of 120 square meters, and the actual living area is only 110 square meters. The price of this place is 8000 yuan per square meter. Should I pay 960000 yuan (120 * 8000) or 880000 yuan (110 * 8000) to buy this house? I personally think it should be 960000 yuan

According to different places, but most areas are based on the construction area plus the shared area, according to the latter, it is 96w

For a real estate with 5 floors, the floor area of each floor is equal, the building coverage is 50%, and the floor price is 100 yuan per square meter?

1. Let the area of the building base be s, we can get: building coverage = s / total land area, that is, 50% = s / total land area, total land area = 2S
2. Building area = 5 * building base area = 5S
3. Plot ratio = building surface / total land area = 2.5
4. Land unit price = floor price * plot ratio = 100 * 2.5 = 250 (yuan / m2)

a. The point is two lattices to the right of zero on the number axis, the point B is four lattices to the left of zero, and the absolute value of a is less than the absolute value of B. use the less than sign to connect the large values of a, - A, B, - B
I want their size order

-b > a > -a > b

The point where the number axis represents an integer is called an integral point. The unit length of a certain number axis is 1cm. If a line segment AB with a length of 200cm is randomly spoken on this number axis, how many integral points are covered by ab? Please tell me the calculation process~

If the two ends of the line coincide with the whole point, then it is 1 + 1x200 = 201, if not, then it is 200