Red scarf primary school has a round swimming pool with a bottom diameter of 1.4m 1. What is the floor area of this swimming pool? 2. Put ceramic tiles on the bottom and inner wall of the swimming pool. What is the area of tile? 3. Draw a water level line at 1.1m along the inner wall of the swimming pool. According to the water level line, how much water can be stored in the swimming pool;? The diameter of the bottom is 20 meters

Red scarf primary school has a round swimming pool with a bottom diameter of 1.4m 1. What is the floor area of this swimming pool? 2. Put ceramic tiles on the bottom and inner wall of the swimming pool. What is the area of tile? 3. Draw a water level line at 1.1m along the inner wall of the swimming pool. According to the water level line, how much water can be stored in the swimming pool;? The diameter of the bottom is 20 meters

(1) R = 20 / 2 = 10m, s = 3.14 * 10 ^ 2 = 314m ^ 2 (2) if tiles are pasted on the pool bottom and inner wall, the area of tiles pasted on the pool bottom is equal to the area of pool bottom, that is, the area pasted on the 314 inner wall is equal to the perimeter of the bottom multiplied by the depth, that is, 20 * 3.14 * 1.4 = 87.92, so the total area of tiles is equal to 314 + 87.92 = 401.92 (3)

The school built a new round fountain with a diameter of 6 meters, and built a ring lawn with a width of 2 meters along the outer edge of the fountain. What's the area of the ring lawn?
2) How many meters is the fence long?

Area = π × (6 / 2 + 2) & # 178; - π × (6 / 2) & # 178; = 16 π ≈ 50.24 square meters
Guardrail length = π× (6 + 2 × 2) = 10 π≈ 31.4m

Yangliu primary school has a round swimming pool with a bottom diameter of 16 meters and a depth of 1.5 meters
(2) What is the area of tiling on the bottom and inner wall of the swimming pool? (3) draw a water level line at 1.2 meters inside the swimming pool. According to the water level line, how many cubic meters of water can be stored in the swimming pool?

1. Floor area of swimming pool = bottom area = radius * radius * π = (16 / 2) * (16 / 2) * 3.14 = 200.96 (M2) 2. Area of tiling tile = bottom area + side area = radius * radius * π + diameter * π * height = (16 / 2) * (16 / 2) * 3.14 + 16 * 3.14 * 1.5 = 276.32 (M2) 3

Xianjing park has a circular fountain with a diameter of 12 meters. There is a circle of stainless steel guardrail 0.5 meters outside the fountain. How long is the guardrail at least?

C = π D, = 3.14 × (12 + 0.5 + 0.5), = 3.14 × 13, = 40.82 (m). A: the length of this guardrail should be at least 40.82 M

Nanhu Park has a circular fountain with a diameter of 12 meters. A circle of stainless steel is installed 0.5 meters outside the fountain
Nanhu Park has a circular fountain with a diameter of 12 meters. A circle of stainless steel guardrail should be installed 0.5 meters outside the fountain. How many meters should the guardrail be at least

What is the radius of the fountain
12 △ 2 = 6 (m)
What is the outer radius of the guardrail
6 + 0.5 = 6.5 (m)
Guardrail length
6.5 × 2 × 3.14 = 40.82 (m)

Xianjing park has a circular fountain with a diameter of 12 meters. There is a circle of stainless steel guardrail 0.5 meters outside the fountain. How long is the guardrail at least?

C = π D, = 3.14 × (12 + 0.5 + 0.5), = 3.14 × 13, = 40.82 (m). A: the length of this guardrail should be at least 40.82 M

The diameter of a circular fountain is 8 meters, and a circle of railings is enclosed 0.5 meters away from the edge of the fountain. How many meters is the total length of the railings?


Xianjing park has a circular fountain with a diameter of 12 meters. There is a circle of stainless steel guardrail 0.5 meters outside the fountain. How long is the guardrail at least?

C = π D, = 3.14 × (12 + 0.5 + 0.5), = 3.14 × 13, = 40.82 (m). A: the length of this guardrail should be at least 40.82 M

There is a circular fountain with a radius of 5 meters in the street garden. What is its perimeter and area?

Perimeter: 5 + 5 = 10 (diameter) 3.14 (PI) times 10 = 31.4
(unit: meter)
Area: 5 times 5 times 3.14 = 25 times 3.14 = 78.5
(unit: square meter)
I'm looking for the perimeter and area of a circle. I don't know if you're talking about the area of a circle

Dongfeng park has a circular fountain. Its perimeter is 37.68 meters. How many square centimeters is the area of the fountain?
It seems that the answer is more than 100

Radius of circle = 37.68 △ 2 △ 3.14 = 6M
Area = 3.14 × 6 & # 178; = 113.04 square meters