Calculation formula of compactness in subgrade filling? Who knows how to calculate the compactness in subgrade filling?

Calculation formula of compactness in subgrade filling? Who knows how to calculate the compactness in subgrade filling?

Compactness is a comparative value of dry density. Firstly, the standard dry density is measured in the experiment, and then the dry density of site samples is calculated for comparison. Compactness = dry density of site samples / standard dry density (100%)

Formula for calculating subgrade compactness by sand filling method

1 calculate the wet density first
Wet density = total mass taken out of test pit / mass of sand filled in pit * density of sand
2 dry density
Dry density = wet density / 1 + 0.01 * water content
3 compactness
K = dry density of pattern divided by standard density * 100%
4 evaluate and calculate the average and standard deviation

How to measure the compactness of earth with sand tank method

1) Put the tester upside down (funnel down) on the leveled ground, draw a contour line along the outer edge of sand filling funnel, and dig a pit in the contour line. The size of the test pit should be determined according to the maximum particle size of soil. 2) put all the excavated soil into the container, weigh the total mass of wet soil, and take representative samples to measure the moisture content. 3) fill the sand container with sand, and weigh the mass of calibrator and standard sand (M3), Turn the detector upside down (funnel facing down) on the excavated pit (if the soil at the pit mouth is soft, the bottom plate should be used. When the bottom plate is used, the bottom plate cavity should be regarded as a part of the sand filling funnel). Open the valve to make the standard sand flow into the test pit, and close the valve when the sand stops flowing, 4) calculate the sand mass required to fill the test pit according to the following formula; 5) calculate the density and dry density according to the following formula: & nbsp; see: Code for geotechnical test of Railway Engineering tb10102-2010 for details

Two cylinders with the same bottom area, one is 4.81 cubic decimeters high, the other is 3 decimeters high. What's the volume?

The volume of a cylinder is equal to the area of the bottom multiplied by the height
The bottom area is the same, and their volume is equal to the ratio of height
Set to v
V = 54 cubic decimeter

A cylinder 5 decimeters high, cut into two equal parts along the diameter of the bottom, increases the surface area by 60 square decimeters
What is the volume of this cylinder in cubic decimeter?

The increased surface area is the area of two rectangles, length = height of cylinder, width = diameter of cylinder
2 × diameter × height = 60 square decimeters
Diameter = 60 ﹣ 2 ﹣ 5 = 6dm
Radius = 3 decimeters
Volume = 3.14 × 3 & # 178; × 5 = 141.3 cubic decimeter

A cylinder with a height of 5 decimeters is cut into two equal parts along the diameter of the bottom surface, and the surface area is increased by 40 square decimeters. What is the volume of the cylinder

Cutting along the bottom diameter shows that two rectangles are added, with a total area of 40 square decimeters. Therefore, the area of a rectangle is 20 square decimeters, and the height is 5 decimeters. The width of a rectangle is 5 decimeters, and the length is 20 / 5 = 4 (decimeters). It is also the diameter of a cylinder, and the radius is 2 decimeters. The bottom area of a cylinder is 2 * 2 * 3.14 = 12.56 (square decimeters) multiplied by the height is 12.56 * 5 = 62, 8 (cubic decimeter)

When a cylinder with a diameter of 2 decimeters at the bottom is cut off and a cylinder with a height of 1 decimeter is cut off, the surface area of the original cylinder is reduced ()
If the truncated height is equal to the remaining height, the volume of the original cylinder is () cubic decimeter

When a cylinder with a bottom diameter of 2 decimeters is cut off and a cylinder with a height of 1 decimeter is cut off, the surface area of the original cylinder is reduced (3.14 × 2 × 2 = 12.56 square decimeters)
If the truncated height is equal to the remaining height, the volume of the original cylinder is (3.14 × 1 & # 178; × 2 = 6.28) cubic decimeter

The side area of a cylinder is equal to the sum of the two bottom areas, and its surface area is 50.24 square decimeters

Side area = 3.14 * 2 * radius * height 2 bottom area = 2 * 3.14 * square of radius 3.14 * 2 * radius * height = 2 * 3.14 * square of radius = radius surface area = side area + 2 bottom area = 3.14 * 2 * radius * height + 2 * 3.14 * square of radius = 2 * 2 * 3.14 * square of radius = 50.24 square of radius = 50.24 / 12.56 = 4 decimeter radius = 2

A cylinder has a side area of 31.4 square decimeters and a height of 5 decimeters. What is its surface area?

31.4 ﹣ 5 ﹣ 3.14 ﹣ 2 = 1 (decimeter) radius
3.14 * 1 & # 178; * 2 = 6.28 (square decimeter) Floor area
6.28 + 31.4 = 37.68 (square decimeter) Surface area

Saw the cylinder 1 meter high into two sections, the surface area increased by 4 square decimeters, the original volume of the cylinder is______ Cubic decimeter

1 meter = 10 decimeters, 4 △ 2 × 10 = 20 (cubic decimeters). Answer: the original volume of the cylinder is 20 cubic decimeters. So the answer is: 20