Dig a cylindrical reservoir with a bottom radius of 5 meters and a depth of 4 meters. How many cubic meters can this reservoir store?

Dig a cylindrical reservoir with a bottom radius of 5 meters and a depth of 4 meters. How many cubic meters can this reservoir store?

3.14 × 52 × 4, = 3.14 × 25 × 4, = 3.14 × 100, = 314 cubic meters; answer: this reservoir can store 314 cubic meters

How many cubic meters of water is needed to fill a cuboid with 40 meters of water every minute?

Volume: 30x40 = 1200m3
Floor area: 1200 △ 4 = 300 square meters

A cuboid reservoir needs to store water 2.4 meters deep. If the water is injected 30 cubic meters per minute and filled up in 40 minutes, what is the bottom area of the reservoir?

A: the bottom area of this pool is 500 square meters

There is a cuboid wood, its edge length is 3DM, 4dm, 5DM respectively. This wood is processed into a largest cylinder. What is the volume of this cylinder
A cone with a radius of 5cm at the bottom is cut into two parts vertically from the top along the height, and the surface area is increased by 180cm & sup2;. The volume of the cone is calculated

The bottom radius of the cylinder is 3 decimeters and the height is 5 decimeters
Volume 3.14x3x5141.3 cubic decimeter

A cuboid wood, 1.2m long and 1.1m wide, is processed into a cylinder, which has the largest volume
How much is it

The radius of the cylinder is 1.1g2 = 0.55M, the height is 1m
The maximum volume of the cylinder is 3.14 * 0.55 * 0.55 * 1 = 0.94985m3

A cuboid wood with a length of 20 cm, a width of 10 cm and a height of 10 cm is processed into the largest cylinder wood block. What percentage of the volume of the cylinder wood block is that of the original cuboid wood block?

If a cuboid wood with a length of 20 cm, a width of 10 cm and a height of 10 cm is processed into the largest cylinder wood block, then the maximum diameter of the cylinder is 10 cm, the radius is 10 △ 2 = 5 (CM), and the height is 20 cm
5 × 5 × 3.14 × 20 = 1570 (cm3)
The original cuboid volume is:
20 × 10 × 10 = 2000 (CC)
The volume of the cylinder block is the same as that of the original cuboid block

When the height of a cuboid is increased by 3DM, the surface area of the cuboid is increased by 48dm. How many cubic decimeters is the cuboid volume?
This is how the paper is written!

48 / 4 / 3 = 4, the side length of the bottom of the cuboid is obtained, the bottom is square, and the increased surface area is the area of four sides
So 48 / 4
4-3 = 1
4 * 4 * 1 = 16 to get the cuboid volume

A cuboid tank without cover, 5DM long and 3DM wide, has a surface area of () square decimeter and a volume of () cubic DM

Surface area = 5 * 3 + 2 * (5 * 2 + 3 * 2)
=47 (square decimeter)
Volume = 5 * 3 * 2
=30 (cubic decimeter)

When an orange is poured into a 3 dm long and 1.5 DM wide cuboid glass jar, the water surface rises by 8 mm. What is the volume of an orange?

8mm=0.08dm 3×1.5×0.08=0.36

A cuboid water tank, 5DM long and 3DM wide, with the existing water depth of 1.5dm, submerges a stone in the water with the water depth of 2DM, and the volume of the stone is several cubic decimeters

The volume of the stone = the volume after putting the stone - the volume without putting the stone
The volume of the stone is 3 * 5 * 2 = 30 cubic decimeter
Volume without stone = 3 * 5 * 1.5 = 22.5 cubic decimeter
So the volume of the stone = 30-22.5 = 7.5 cubic decimeters