The school has a cylindrical fountain. The diameter of the bottom of the fountain is 12m. It can hold 56.52 cubic meters of water at most. How deep is the fountain?

The school has a cylindrical fountain. The diameter of the bottom of the fountain is 12m. It can hold 56.52 cubic meters of water at most. How deep is the fountain?


A cylindrical spray tank, with an inner diameter of 8m, can hold up to 25.12m3 of water. How many meters deep is the tank?

25.12 ^ [3.14 × (8 ^) 2] = 25.12 ^ 50.24 = 0.5 (m) a: the depth of the pool is 0.5 m

Daxin Park newly built a cylindrical pool, its volume is 84.78 cubic meters, the bottom area is 28.26 cubic meters
How many meters is the water depth? The water content in the pool is five sixth of the volume of the pool. How many meters is the water depth

There is water in the pool:
84.78 × 5 / 6 = 70.65 (M3)
Pool depth:
70.65 △ 28.26 = 2.5 (m)

To build a cylindrical pool, the required volume is 37.68 cubic meters, the inner diameter of the pool is 4 meters, and the depth of the pool is calculated

Vcylinder = base area times height
Diameter = 4m, radius = 2m
So s bottom = π r square = 12.56 M2
Depth is height = 37.68 divided by 12.56 = 3M

Lay a 2m wide road around a round flower bed with a diameter of 10m to calculate the area of the road

10 △ 2 = 5 (meters), 5 + 2 = 7 (meters), 3.14 × (72-52), = 3.14 × (49-25), = 3.14 × 24, = 75.36 (square meters). A: the area of this path is 75.36 square meters

Around a circular fountain with a diameter of 20 meters, build a 3-meter-wide path. How many square meters is the area of the path

The radius of the pool is 20 △ 2 = 10m
Path radius 10 + 3 = 13m
the measure of area
=216.66 square meters

There is a round fountain with a circumference of 28.26 meters. A 2-meter-wide path is built around the fountain. What is the area of the path?

Radius 28.26 ÷ (3.14x2) = 4.5m
Path radius 4.5 + 2 = 6.5m
Lane area
=69.08 square meters
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A circular fountain, the perimeter is 37.68 meters. There is a 2 meter wide path around the fountain. How many square meters is the area of the path?

The radius of the pool is: 37.68 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 6 (m); the radius of the path is: 6 + 2 = 8 (m); the area of the path is: 3.14 × 82-3.14 × 62 = 3.14 × (64-36) = 3.14 × 28 = 87.92 (M2). A: the area of the path is 87.92 m2

What is the floor area of a circular fountain with a circumference of 37.2 meters

The radius is 37.2 ﹣ 3.1 ﹣ 2 = 6m
Area: 3.1 × 6 × 6 = 111.6 square meters

The perimeter of a circular fountain is 31.4 meters. If its radius is reduced by one fifth, how many square meters is the area of the fountain?
hurry up

Radius: 31.4 / 3.14 / 2
= 10 ÷ 2
=5 meters
5 × (1 - 1/5)
= 5 × 4/5
=4 meters
4 × 4 × 3.14
= 16 × 3.14
=50.24 square meters
A: the area of this fountain is 50.24 square meters