Calculate the mass, volume and density of the stone It is known that when the stone is put into the water measuring cup, the water surface rises by 50ml. The weight of the stone is 131g. The mass of the stone is____ Kilogram. What's the volume of the stone____ Cubic meters, density is____ The third power of kg / m

Calculate the mass, volume and density of the stone It is known that when the stone is put into the water measuring cup, the water surface rises by 50ml. The weight of the stone is 131g. The mass of the stone is____ Kilogram. What's the volume of the stone____ Cubic meters, density is____ The third power of kg / m

Mass 0.131 kg
Volume 0.00005 M3
Density = mass / volume

When measuring the density of stones, how to calculate if the water in the measuring cylinder is replaced by alcohol?

Obviously, the stone will sink, and the volume of alcohol discharged is equal to the volume of boiling water
Just divide the volume by the mass of the stone. Water and wine are the same

Cut a cuboid 4 decimeters long, 2.5 meters wide and 3 decimeters high into the largest cylinder. How many cubic decimeters is the volume of this cylinder?

120 π cubic decimeter, the cylinder is equal to the bottom area times the height, 3 decimeters high is fixed, as long as the bottom area is the largest circle, the largest circle is the length (4 decimeters) as the diameter of the circle, the largest area. So the volume is equal to the square of π r times the height, that is, the square of π * 2 * 3 is equal to 120 π cubic decimeter

Cut a cuboid 4 decimeters long, 2.5 decimeters wide and 3 decimeters high into the largest cylinder. How many cubic decimeters is the volume of this cylinder?
I don't know how to write this question. Who can help me

To tell you the truth, my mathematics is not very good either. The volume of a cylinder = pie (3.14159265358979) × the square of the bottom radius × the height of the cylinder. The height of the cylinder is the high ellipse area formula of the cuboid s = Π (circumference) × a × B (where a and B are the length of the long half axis and the short half axis of the ellipse respectively). The long half axis of the ellipse is 1 / 2 of the length of the rectangle, The length of the short half axis is 1 / 2 of the width. Baidu found a few formulas for you to gather together, hope to help you, to study well

Cut a cuboid that is 4 decimeters long, 2.5 decimeters wide and 3 decimeters high into the largest cylinder and calculate the volume of the cylinder
The elder brother and elder sister, please help me

1、 If the length 4 and width 2.5 is the bottom, then the radius of the cylinder bottom is 1.25, the height is 32, the length 4 and width 3 is the bottom, then the radius of the cylinder bottom is 1.5, the height is 2.53, the length 2.5 and the height is 3, then the radius of the cylinder bottom is 1.25, the height is 4

Cut a cuboid timber whose length, width and height are 3 decimeters, 2 decimeters and 5 decimeters respectively into the largest cylinder. What is the maximum volume of the cylindrical timber?

(1) Taking 3 decimeter as diameter and 2 decimeter as height, the volume is 3.14 × (32) 2 × 2, = 3.14 × 2.25 × 2, = 14.13 (cubic decimeter); (2) taking 2 decimeter as diameter and 5 decimeter as height, 3.14 × (22) 2 × 5, = 3.14 × 1 × 5, = 15.7 (cubic decimeter); (3) taking 2 decimeter as diameter and 3 decimeter as height

A cylinder and a cuboid are equal in height, and the ratio of their bottom areas is 5:3. It is known that the volume of a cylinder is 80 cubic decimeters. How many cubic decimeters less is the volume of a cuboid than that of a cylinder?

Let the cuboid volume be x cubic decimeter, we can get: 80: x = 5:3, & nbsp; & nbsp; 5x = 80 × 3, & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 48, 80-48 = 32 (cubic decimeter). A: the cuboid volume is 32 cubic decimeter less than the cylinder volume

To cut a cylinder billet into a largest cone, 1.8m3 should be cut. Before cutting, the volume of the cylinder is______ .

8 (1-13), = 1.8 × 32. = 2.7 (M3). Answer: the volume of the cylinder before cutting is 2.7 m3. So the answer is: 2.7 m3

To cut a cylinder billet into a largest cone, 1.8m3 should be cut. Before cutting, the volume of the cylinder is______ .

8 (1-13), = 1.8 × 32. = 2.7 (M3). Answer: the volume of the cylinder before cutting is 2.7 m3. So the answer is: 2.7 m3

Cut a cube with an edge length of 6cm into the largest cylinder. How many cubic centimeters is the volume of the cylinder?

Base area: 3 & # 178; π = 9 π (M & # 178;)
Volume: 9 π × 6 = 54 π (M & # 179;)