The difference between light reaction and dark reaction

The difference between light reaction and dark reaction

Setting: chloroplast membrane
Influencing factors: light intensity, water supply
The absorption process of two absorption peaks (chlorophyll a, b) of plant photosynthesis: two sets of photosynthesis systems on chloroplast membrane: photosynthesis system 1 and photosynthesis system 2 (photosynthesis system 1 is more primitive than photosynthesis system 2, but electron transfer begins at photosynthesis system 2). Under the condition of light, photons with wavelength of 680nm and 700nm are absorbed as energy respectively, The electrons from the photolysis path of water molecules are continuously transferred to NADP, and the hydrogen ions from the photolysis of water molecules move outward from the thylakoid body to the matrix through the protein complex on the thylakoid membrane due to the consistence difference, and the potential energy between them is used to synthesize ATP, At this time, the hydrogen ion with reduced potential energy is taken away by the hydrogen carrier NADP. One molecule of NADP can carry two hydrogen ions. This NADPH + H ion acts as a reducing agent in the dark reaction
Significance: 1. Photodegradation of water to produce oxygen. 2. Conversion of light energy into chemical energy to produce ATP to provide energy for dark reaction. 3. Synthesis of NADPH + H ion from hydrogen ion, the product of water photodegradation, to provide reducing agent for dark reaction
Dark reaction
In essence, it is a series of enzymatic reactions
Setting: chloroplast matrix
Influencing factors: temperature, carbon dioxide concentration
Different plants have different processes of dark reaction, and the anatomical structure of leaves is also different. This is the result of plant adaptation to the environment. Dark reaction can be divided into three types: C3, C4 and cam. The three types are divided according to the different processes of carbon dioxide fixation

What are the products of light reaction and dark reaction?

Light reaction: on the thylakoid membrane, water will photolysis to produce oxygen and reduced hydrogen, and ATP and PI produced by dark reaction, energy synthesis to ATP, dark reaction: five carbon compounds and carbon dioxide generate three carbon compounds under the action of enzyme, three carbon compounds and reduced hydrogen generate organic compounds and five carbon compounds under the action of enzyme and ATP, ATP also generates ADP and PI under the action of enzyme

What is the conversion method of some density units

Density unit is the combination of mass unit and volume unit. 1. Mass unit: ton (T), kilogram (kg), gram (g), milligram (mg). Relation: between adjacent units, the former is 1000 times of the latter. 1t = 1000kg, 1kg = 1000g, 1g = 1000mg, 1kg = 1000g, conversely, 1g = (1 / 1000) kg = 0.001kg

With the concept and formula of density, density = mass / volume, it can be determined that for the same substance () A. the density is the same; B. the smaller the volume, the higher the density
C. The larger the mass, the higher the density D. the larger the volume, the higher the density
I didn't make it up to you next time) thank you

A because the density of an object does not change with its volume and mass

It is known that the densities of metal A and metal B are P1 and P2 respectively. Take metal A and metal B of the same mass to make alloy. If metal A and metal B of the same volume are taken to make alloy, the densities of these two alloys are P1 and P2 respectively______
The same metal alloy is not synthesized again

When the mass is the same, the density of the alloy ρ = 2m / (M / ρ 1 + m / ρ 2) = 2 ρ 1 ρ 2 / (ρ 1 + ρ 2)
The density ρ & sup1; = (ρ 1 · V + ρ 2 · V) / 2V = (ρ 1 + ρ 2) / 2 when the volume is equal
2ρ1ρ2/(ρ1+ρ2) (ρ1+ρ2)/2

The density of the two metals is ρ A and ρ B respectively. If the total volume remains unchanged, the alloy density is
A (ρ a + ρ b) / 2
ρ a ρ B under B radical
C (2 ρ a, ρ b) / ρ a + ρ B
D ρ a ρ B / ρ a + ρ B
Write about the process, thank you


The density of metal A and metal B is density a and density B respectively. When the alloy is made of metal A and metal B of the same quality, the density and compactness are?
I want the whole process

Let the density of a be p a, the density of B be P2, and the mass be m, then V A = m / P A, v b = m / P B, the mass after mixing be 2 m, the volume be V A + V B, and the density be 2 m / V a + V B. the result is p = 2p a * P B / P A + P B

A and B metals with equal mass and density of P1 and P2 are made into alloy. If the volume remains unchanged during the manufacturing process, the density of the alloy is?


If the bulk densities of the two alloys are equal, then the bulk densities of the two alloys are equal
If the volume of two metals in the alloy is equal, what is the density of the alloy? If the mass of two metals in the alloy is equal, what is the density of the alloy?

1. Let the volume of alloy be v
The mass of the two alloys are P1V and P2V respectively
So the density of the alloy is (P1V + P2V) / 2V = (P1 + P2) / 2
2. Let the mass of the two alloys be m
Then V1 = m / P1, V2 = m / P2
The density of the alloy is

How to calculate the density of an object

Definition: density ρ = m / V
The formula for calculating the density at close is as follows:
The pressure inside the liquid is p = ρ GH
Archimedes principle: F floating = ρ liquid V row G
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