The energy sources of light reaction stage and dark reaction stage in photosynthesis are () A. Light energy and adpb. ATP and light energy C. light energy and ATPD. ADP and light energy

The energy sources of light reaction stage and dark reaction stage in photosynthesis are () A. Light energy and adpb. ATP and light energy C. light energy and ATPD. ADP and light energy

A. In the dark reaction stage, the energy comes from ATP, a wrong; B, the energy in the light reaction stage comes from the light energy absorbed by pigment, and the energy in the dark reaction stage comes from ATP, B wrong; C, the energy in the light reaction stage comes from the light energy absorbed by pigment, and the energy in the dark reaction stage comes from the ATP synthesized in the light reaction stage, C correct; D, the energy in the light reaction stage comes from the light energy absorbed by pigment Light energy, dark reaction phase of energy from ATP, D error

What is the relationship between light reaction and dark reaction?

(1) Light reaction provides ATP and [H] for dark reaction, and dark reaction provides ADP, PI and NADP for light reaction+
(2) Without light reaction, dark reaction can't be carried out. Without dark reaction, organic compounds can't be synthesized with fixed energy of light reaction

Comparison of light reaction and dark reaction

Photosynthesis can be divided into light reaction and dark reaction
Setting: chloroplast membrane
Influencing factors: light intensity, water supply
Two absorption peaks of plant photosynthesis
The absorption process of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b: two sets of photosynthesis systems on chloroplast membrane: photosynthesis system 1 and photosynthesis system 2 (photosynthesis system 1 is more primitive than photosynthesis system 2, but the electron transfer begins in photosynthesis system 2). Under the condition of light, the photons with wavelength of 680nm and 700nm are absorbed respectively as energy, The electrons from the photolysis path of water molecules are continuously transferred to NADP, and the hydrogen ions from the photolysis of water molecules move outward from the thylakoid body to the matrix through the protein complex on the thylakoid membrane due to the consistence difference, and the potential energy between them is used to synthesize ATP, At this time, the hydrogen ion with reduced potential energy is taken away by the hydrogen carrier NADP. One molecule of NADP can carry two hydrogen ions. This NADPH + H ion acts as a reducing agent in the dark reaction
Significance: 1. Photodegradation of water to produce oxygen. 2. Conversion of light energy into chemical energy to produce ATP to provide energy for dark reaction. 3. Synthesis of NADPH + H ion from hydrogen ion, the product of water photodegradation, to provide reducing agent for dark reaction
Dark reaction
In essence, it is a series of enzymatic reactions
Setting: chloroplast matrix
Influencing factors: temperature, carbon dioxide concentration
Different plants have different processes of dark reaction, and the anatomical structure of leaves is also different. This is the result of plant adaptation to the environment. Dark reaction can be divided into three types: C3, C4 and cam. The three types are divided according to the different processes of carbon dioxide fixation
Calvin cycle
Calvin cycle is a part of the dark reaction of photosynthesis. The reaction site is the substrate in chloroplast. The cycle can be divided into three stages: carboxylation, reduction and regeneration of ketose diphosphate. Most plants integrate a molecule of carbon dioxide absorbed into a five carbon sugar molecule 1 through the action of a kind of enzyme called ketose diphosphate carboxylase, This process is called the fixation of carbon dioxide. The significance of this step is to activate the originally inactive carbon dioxide molecule so that it can be reduced later. However, this six carbon compound is extremely unstable and will immediately decompose into a two molecule three carbon compound, 3-phosphoglyceric acid, which is reduced by NADPH + h generated in the photoreaction, After a series of complex biochemical reactions, one carbon atom will be used to synthesize glucose and leave the cycle. The remaining five carbon atoms undergo a series of changes, and finally form a ribose 1,5-diphosphate. The cycle starts again. The cycle runs for six times to generate a molecule of glucose

Introduce the process of light reaction and dark reaction

Plant photosynthesis has two reaction processes, light reaction and dark reaction. Light reaction needs light, while dark reaction does not need light, and can also be carried out in the dark. The light reaction of photosynthesis is the reaction of releasing oxygen. First, water is decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen by light energy, and oxygen is released. At the same time, light energy is converted into chemistry

What are the light and dark reactions in organisms?
What is the meaning of "ATP synthesized in the stage of light reaction can only be used for dark reaction"?

There are two reaction processes in plant photosynthesis, light reaction and dark reaction. Light reaction needs light, while dark reaction can be carried out in dark place without light
The light reaction of photosynthesis is the reaction of releasing oxygen. Firstly, water is decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen by light energy, and oxygen is released. At the same time, light energy is converted into chemical energy to help adenosine diphosphate (ADP) synthesize adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The chemical energy converted from light energy is stored in ATP. Hydrogen and ATP are used for dark reaction
The dark reaction of photosynthesis is the reaction of synthesizing organic matter for plants to use. The chemical properties of carbon dioxide absorbed by plants from the air are not active and can not be directly reduced by hydrogen. Carbon dioxide needs to be fixed first. A carbon dioxide molecule and a five carbon compound molecule form two three carbon compound molecules. The three carbon compound molecules are reduced by hydrogen through the action of ATP and a variety of enzymes, After a series of complex changes, glucose is formed. In this way, the energy in ATP is released and stored in glucose. This is the whole process of photosynthesis. In short, inorganic matter is synthesized into organic matter by light energy, and the energy is stored in organic matter
Reaction and dark reaction
Photosynthesis can be divided into light reaction and dark reaction
Setting: chloroplast membrane
Influencing factors: light intensity, water supply
Two absorption peaks of plant photosynthesis
The absorption process of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b: two sets of photosynthesis systems on chloroplast membrane: photosynthesis system 1 and photosynthesis system 2 (photosynthesis system 1 is more primitive than photosynthesis system 2, but the electron transfer begins in photosynthesis system 2). Under the condition of light, the photons with wavelength of 680nm and 700nm are absorbed respectively as energy, The electrons from the photolysis path of water molecules are continuously transferred to NADP, and the hydrogen ions from the photolysis of water molecules move outward from the thylakoid body to the matrix through the protein complex on the thylakoid membrane due to the consistence difference, and the potential energy between them is used to synthesize ATP, At this time, the hydrogen ion with reduced potential energy is taken away by the hydrogen carrier NADP. One molecule of NADP can carry two hydrogen ions. This NADPH + H ion acts as a reducing agent in the dark reaction
Significance: 1. Photodegradation of water to produce oxygen. 2. Conversion of light energy into chemical energy to produce ATP to provide energy for dark reaction. 3. Synthesis of NADPH + H ion from hydrogen ion, the product of water photodegradation, to provide reducing agent for dark reaction
Dark reaction
In essence, it is a series of enzymatic reactions
Setting: chloroplast matrix
Influencing factors: temperature, carbon dioxide concentration
Different plants have different processes of dark reaction, and the anatomical structure of leaves is also different. This is the result of plant adaptation to the environment. Dark reaction can be divided into three types: C3, C4 and cam. The three types are divided according to the different processes of carbon dioxide fixation

Matter changes in light and dark reactions of photosynthesis
I'm a little confused about photosynthesis

Your question is not specific
It is necessary to master the characteristics of photosynthesis, which is an oxidation-reduction process. Then what substances are oxidized first (oxygen in water), and what substances are finally reduced (carbon in carbon dioxide), and the energy source (solar energy) that promotes the oxidation reaction (separation of electrons from the oxygen atoms of water molecules), Dark reaction is actually a process of reducing carbon dioxide to organic matter by using the reducing power of light reaction

Light reaction and dark reaction

Light reaction: the process in which green plants decompose water under light to produce oxygen and store light energy in ATP
Specifically, the light reaction needs the participation of light, so the reaction site is on the thylakoid membrane of chloroplast
The pigment on the membrane absorbs the light energy. At this time, all the chlorophyll b, lutein, carotene and most of the chlorophyll b are absorbed
Chlorophyll a absorbs and transfers light energy, and transfers light energy to a few special state chlorophyll a, special state
Leaf a of a transformed light energy into electrical energy, and then electrical energy into active chemical energy, which was stored in ATP and reducing cofactor
In enzyme 2, in the process of light energy conversion to electric energy, water is photolyzed into oxygen and hydrogen ions, and then hydrogen ions
It combines with coenzyme 2 to form reducing coenzyme 2
The above is the process of light reaction, in which the reactant is water, the product is oxygen, reducing coenzyme 2 and oxygen
Among them, reducing coenzyme 2 and ATP participate in the dark reaction as reactants of the dark reaction
Dark reaction: the reactants are ATP, reducing coenzyme 2 and carbon dioxide, and the products are organic compounds
Specifically, the dark reaction does not need the participation of light, so the reaction site is in the chloroplast matrix,
First, carbon dioxide reacts with five carbon compounds in the matrix to form three carbon compounds
The reaction of CO2 + C5 compound → C3 compound is the fixation of CO2
Secondly, three carbon compounds are reduced by ATP and reducing coenzyme 2 to produce organic compounds and five carbon compounds
C3 compound → (CH2O) + C5 compound, this step is the reduction of three carbon compounds
At the same time, the active chemical energy of ATP and reducing coenzyme 2 is converted into stable chemical energy in organic matter
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Light reaction and dark reaction are connected by ATP and reducing coenzyme 2. Therefore, dark reaction does not need light, but it needs the product of light, so it can not be carried out at night without light

The difference between light reaction and dark reaction in photosynthesis

There are two reaction processes in plant photosynthesis, light reaction and dark reaction. Light reaction needs light, while dark reaction can be carried out in dark place without light
The light reaction of photosynthesis is the reaction of releasing oxygen. Firstly, water is decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen by light energy, and oxygen is released. At the same time, light energy is converted into chemical energy to help adenosine diphosphate (ADP) synthesize adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The chemical energy converted from light energy is stored in ATP. Hydrogen and ATP are used for dark reaction
The dark reaction of photosynthesis is the reaction of synthesizing organic matter for plants to use. The chemical properties of carbon dioxide absorbed by plants from the air are not active and can not be directly reduced by hydrogen. Carbon dioxide needs to be fixed first. A carbon dioxide molecule and a five carbon compound molecule form two three carbon compound molecules. The three carbon compound molecules are reduced by hydrogen through the action of ATP and a variety of enzymes, After a series of complex changes, glucose is formed. In this way, the energy in ATP is released and stored in glucose. This is the whole process of photosynthesis. In short, inorganic matter is synthesized into organic matter by light energy, and the energy is stored in organic matter
Photosynthesis can be divided into light reaction and dark reaction
Setting: chloroplast membrane
Influencing factors: light intensity, water supply
Two absorption peaks of plant photosynthesis
The absorption process of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b: two sets of photosynthesis systems on chloroplast membrane: photosynthesis system 1 and photosynthesis system 2 (photosynthesis system 1 is more primitive than photosynthesis system 2, but the electron transfer begins in photosynthesis system 2). Under the condition of light, the photons with wavelength of 680nm and 700nm are absorbed respectively as energy, The electrons from the photolysis path of water molecules are continuously transferred to NADP, and the hydrogen ions from the photolysis of water molecules pass through the thylakoid membrane due to the consistence difference