Density is independent of its mass and volume Why? If the volume is larger, the density will be smaller. If the mass is larger, the density will also be larger. Why is this irrelevant?

Density is independent of its mass and volume Why? If the volume is larger, the density will be smaller. If the mass is larger, the density will also be larger. Why is this irrelevant?

Density is a property of matter itself, independent of mass and volume

The relationship between density and molecular weight

It can be seen from this that the higher the density is, the greater the molecular mass will be for both liquids and gases at the same concentration, and the simpler the solid is. The higher the density is, the greater the molecular mass will be for both liquids and gases at the same volume

What is the relationship between mass and density

Mass is the product of density and volume

What is the relationship between density and mass and volume

Mass equals density times volume

Relationship between mass and bulk density
A tanker carries 40 cubic meters of oil. Take 30 square centimeters of oil from the tanker and weigh it to 25.5 grams. Find out the mass of oil in the tanker
Why is it right or wrong?

Not true. The square centimeter is a unit of area and has no direct relationship with mass, so there is no solution to this question

Is the density ρ of water the same as the weight γ of water?

Weight of different water = density of water × acceleration of gravity
When G is taken as 10, the weight of water is the fourth power of 10

What is the meaning of water density

Water density: 1.0 * 10 ^ 3kg / m ^ 3
Meaning: the mass of water with volume of 1m ^ 3 is 1.0 * 10 ^ 3kg
Definition: in physics, the mass per unit volume of a substance is called its density

What is the relationship between gas density and molecular number

Density = m / 22.4 M = MNA / n n n is the number of molecules Na is the Avogadro constant M is the relative molecular mass m is the mass

The natural density of undisturbed soil sample P = 1.67g/cm3, water content w = 12.9%, specific gravity GS = 2.67, porosity ratio e, saturated density psato

Let v = 1, M = 1.67
The results show that Ms = 1.48, Mw = 0.19, VW = 0.19,
554, VV = 1-0.19-0.554 = 0.256
I don't know if there are any mistakes. It should be right

In geotechnical investigation, given the natural density, dry density, saturation and water content from geotechnical test, how to calculate the saturated density?

Given the wet soil m (g), water content w (%) and dry soil weight g, calculate the dry density (g / g) / m, calculate the wet density equal to the dry density divided by (1 W), calculate the compactness equal to the ratio of the calculated dry density and the known dry density