6³+7³+8³+9³+10³11³12³13³14³15³ Simple calculation: 6 & # 179; + 7 & # 179; + 8 & # 179; + 9 & # 179; + 10 & # 179; 11 & # 179; 12 & # 179; 13 & # 179; 14 & # 179; 15 & # 179;

6³+7³+8³+9³+10³11³12³13³14³15³ Simple calculation: 6 & # 179; + 7 & # 179; + 8 & # 179; + 9 & # 179; + 10 & # 179; 11 & # 179; 12 & # 179; 13 & # 179; 14 & # 179; 15 & # 179;


The volume is 1000 cubic centimeter cube wood block, its bottom is 0.06 meters from the water surface, calculate the mass and density

Mass = 1 * 10 * 10 * 6
=600 (g)
Density = 600 / 1000
=0.6 (g / cm3)

What is the speed of light in vacuum


The speed of light in water is about half that of light in vacuum?

The speed of light in water is about
Equal to 3 / 4 of the speed of light in vacuum

Is C the speed of light in vacuum or the speed of light

The speed of light in vacuum
However, the speed of light in air is not much different from that in vacuum

The speed of light in glass is about half that of light in vacuum?

The speed of light in glass is about 2 / 3 of that in vacuum

In the experiment of measuring the mass and density of liquid, a student put 100ml water into the measuring cylinder, then the mass of water is ----- G
Then put 10g salt into the measuring cylinder, and wait for the salt to dissolve completely, then the mass of salt water is ----- g. at this time, the density of salt water in the measuring cylinder ----- the density of water (optional filling greater than, less than, equal to)

greater than

Xiao Ming uses a balance and a measuring cylinder to explore the relationship between liquid mass and volume. He injects some liquid into the measuring cylinder four times and measures the total mass each time
The experimental data are shown in the table below
Volume V / cm ^ 3 40 80 120 160
Mass m / g 82 114 146 178
(1) What's the problem with his experimental procedure?
(2) Find the mass of this liquid at 100cm ^ 3

What's the problem with his experimental procedure? The measuring cylinder can't directly measure the total mass of the cylinder and liquid, because it's not safe to put the measuring cylinder in the tray
Find the mass of 100cm ^ 3 liquid 100 * (82-40) / (80-40) = 80g

Xiao Ming uses balance and measuring cylinder to explore the relationship between liquid mass and volume. He injects some liquid into the measuring cylinder four times, and measures the total mass and liquid volume each time. The experimental data are shown in the table below
Volume 40 80 120 160
Quality 82 114 146 178
What's the problem with his experimental procedure, finding the mass of this liquid of 100 cm3

1. The total mass of cylinder and liquid cannot be measured directly because it is not safe to measure the cylinder in the tray
2. When the volume increases by 40 ml, the mass increases by 32 g, so the liquid density is 32 g / 40 cm and 179; = 0.8 g / cm and 179;
The mass of this liquid of 100 cubic centimeter is m = 0.8 * 100 = 80g

When the measuring cylinder is used to measure the liquid, the measuring cylinder must be placed (), and the line of sight should be kept level with the liquid in the measuring cylinder (), and then the volume of the liquid should be read out
Continue: if you look up, the reading is biased (), and then read the volume of liquid. If you look up, the reading is biased ()
Please fill in the blanks carefully. Although I have no points, my sincere heart can't be replaced by points

Concave bottom
Looking up, small
Looking down, larger