Two solid balls made of the same material, the mass of a ball is 1000g, and the mass of B ball is 200g? Need specific process! Specific process! Specific process! Bye, write down the specific process! Xiaosheng, thank you very much!

Two solid balls made of the same material, the mass of a ball is 1000g, and the mass of B ball is 200g? Need specific process! Specific process! Specific process! Bye, write down the specific process! Xiaosheng, thank you very much!

The same material has the same density
The volume ratio is equal to the mass ratio

For two solid spheres of equal mass, if the density ratio is 2:3, then the volume ratio of the two spheres is (); if the volumes of the two spheres are equal, then their mass ratio is ()
( )?

From density = mass / volume, then:
When the mass is equal, the volume ratio is the inverse ratio of density, which is 3:2
When the volume is equal, the mass ratio is proportional to the density ratio, which is 2:3

If there are two solid balls a and B, the mass of a is greater than that of B. what is the possible situation about the relationship between the volume and density of a and B balls
A and B are two solid balls. The mass of a is greater than that of B. what are the possible situations concerning the relationship between the volume and density of a and B balls

If the volume is equal, the density of a is higher. If the density is equal, the volume of a is larger. If the density of a is smaller, the volume of B is larger

The nearest planet to the small group of objects in the solar system
It's a small group of objects between Mars and Jupiter! And is the nearest planet to Earth Mars or mercury?

The nearest planet is Mars, and the small cluster is a belt of meteorites

What are the small objects in the solar system?

A satellite is a natural or man-made celestial body in orbit around a planet
[1] The moon is the most obvious example of natural satellites. In the solar system, all planets except mercury and Venus have natural satellites. The total number of known natural satellites in the solar system (including the larger fragments that make up the planetary rings) is at least 160. Natural satellites refer to the planets that orbit the planets, and the planets orbit the stars. For example, in the solar system, the sun is a star, Our earth and other planets revolve around the sun, while the moon, Dione, Triton and other planets revolve around our earth and other planets. These planets are called the natural moons of the planets. Jupiter has the most natural moons, of which 17 have been confirmed, and at least 6 have yet to be confirmed. Natural moons vary greatly in size. Some of them are only a few thousand meters in diameter, for example, There are two small moons on Mars, as well as Jupiter, Saturn and some small moons on the periphery of Uranus. Several moons are bigger than mercury, such as Titan, Ganymede and Callisto, all of which are more than 5200 kilometers in diameter
Asteroids are similar to planets in the solar system, but their volume and mass are much smaller than planets
So far, about 700000 asteroids have been found in the solar system, but this may be only a small part of all the asteroids. Only a few of these asteroids have a diameter greater than 100 km. By the 1990s, the largest asteroid was Ceres, but in recent years, some of the asteroids found in the Cooper belt have a diameter larger than Ceres, For example, the diameter of Varuna discovered in 2000 is 900 km, the diameter of Quaoar discovered in 2002 is 1280 km, and the diameter of 2004 DW discovered in 2004 is even 1800 km. Sedna (asteroid 90377) discovered in 2003 is located outside the GuBo belt, and its straight diameter is about 1500 km
According to estimates, the number of asteroids may be about 500000. The largest asteroid is only about 1000 kilometers in diameter, while the mini asteroid is only about the size of pebbles
Except when far away from the sun, the comet's long bright and sparse tail gave people the impression in the past that comets were very close to the earth, even within the range of our atmosphere, Comets do not show different orientations: therefore, he correctly concluded that they must be far away. Comets belong to small bodies in the solar system. Whenever comets approach the sun, their brightness increases rapidly. Observations of comets quite far away from the sun show that they move along a highly elongated ellipse, and the sun is at a focal point of the ellipse, Consistent with Kepler's first law, comets spend most of their time far away from the sun, where they are invisible. They can only be seen when they are close to the sun. About 40 comets have a fairly short cycle (less than 100 years), so they appear one after another as the same star
The first object to be observed successively in history is Halley's comet. Newton's friend and donor Halley (1656-1742) realized that it was periodic in 1705. Its cycle is 76 years. Historical records show that since 240 BC, it may have been from 466 BC, It was observed every time it passed through the sun. The last time it passed was in 1986. When it was far away from the sun, the brightness of the comet was very low, and its spectrum was only the spectrum reflecting sunlight, The reason for this change is that the solid material (nucleus) that makes up the comet suddenly becomes hot enough to evaporate and surrounds the nucleus with a gas cloud called coma. Ultraviolet light from the sun causes the gas to glow. The diameter of coma is usually about 105 km, But the tail is often very long, up to 108 kilometers or 1 astronomical unit

Why is the sun the center of the solar system?

The sun is the center of the solar system. There are three reasons to call it this way: 1. The mass of the sun is 99.8% of the mass of all the celestial bodies in the solar system, and the sun is almost all; 2. Other celestial bodies in the solar system revolve around it because of the sun's gravity, and the geometric center of almost space is the sun; 3. The external gravitational action of the solar system is spherical, and the sun is in the middle

There is a detailed explanation about the formula of celestial body and universe in physics compulsory two of senior one
About the celestial body movement formula is not clear, the trouble big God sends (must complete). Each physical quantity must elaborate!

Kepler's third law: A3 / T2 = k [A is the semi major axis, t is the period} to find the mass of the earth: M = Gr / G2 to find the mass of the central celestial body: M = 4 π 2r3 / GT2 law of universal gravitation: F = gm1m2 / Y2, F = GMM / R ^ 2 this is a very wide range of applications. After knowing the central celestial body and its own velocity, as well as the radius of rotation, you can

The expression of the acceleration ratio of two celestial bodies
Is A1 / A2 = (GM / r2) / (GM / r2)!

According to f = mg and the law of gravitation: Mg = GMM / R ^ 2, then G = GM / R ^ 2

Urgent hyperbola focal radius formula! Please point (left and right branch) detailed description!

Focal radius of hyperbola:
Left: | pf '| = | ex0 + A|
Right: | PF | = | ex0 - A|
(x0 is the abscissa of any point P on the hyperbola)

General focal radius formula of conic curve

Radius of ellipse passing right focus R = a-ex radius of left focus R = a + ex radius of upper focus R = a-ey radius of lower focus R = a + ey radius of hyperbola passing right focus R = | ex-a | radius of hyperbola passing left focus R = | ex + a | radius of hyperbola passing lower focus r = | ey + a |