A factoring problem, ball process and answer 5X²z-20z-10px²+40p

A factoring problem, ball process and answer 5X²z-20z-10px²+40p

First extract the common factor 5
Then group them

Factorization of 2 (a + b) ^ 2 - (a + b) - 1

Cross multiplication

Factorization problem 2A ^ n-32a ^ n + 4


Factorization of 16A ^ 2 - (2a-36) ^ 2

Original form

Factorization (y + 2) x ^ 2 + (y + 2) x-12y-24


Factorization (y + 2) x & # 178; - 24 + (y + 2) x-12y


Factorization; (1) (x + y) ^ 2 + 4 (x + y) + 4
(2)12a^3-12a^2+3ab^2 ; (3)(a+b)^2-4ab

(1)(x+y)^2+4(x+y)+4=(x+y+2)²(2)12a^3-12a^2b+3ab^2 =3a(4a²-4ab+b²)=3a(2a-b)²(3)(a+b)^2-4ab=a²+2ab+b²-4ab=a²-2ab+b²=(a-b)²

Some common English abbreviations and Chinese meanings

W. C toilet
Cn China
P parking lot
BTW --- by the way
P. S -- Postscript
GF -- girlfriend
PMP -- flattery
BMW --- don't touch me~

What is the Chinese meaning of the English abbreviation CCTV?

China Central Television (CCTV)
China Central Television is the state television station of the people's Republic of China

What is the Chinese meaning of CCTV

China Central Television