1) Factorization of (x + y) ^ 2 - (x + y) ^ 3 2) (X-Y) ^ 2 - (X-Y) ^ 3 (X-Y) ^ 2 - (Y-X) ^ 3 Factorization 1) (x + y) ^ 2 - (x + y) ^ 3 2) (X-Y) ^ 2 - (X-Y) ^ 3 3 (X-Y) ^ 2 - (Y-X) ^ 3 4) 2 (X-Y) - 3 (Y-X) ^ 2 5) 4ab(a+b)^2-6a^2b(a+b) 6) (x+y)^2(x-y)+(x+y)(x-y)^2 7) 2a(a-3)^2-6a^2(3-a)+8a(a-3) 8) 24xy^2z^2(x+y-z)-32xyz(z-x-y)^2+8xyz^3(z-x-y)

1) Factorization of (x + y) ^ 2 - (x + y) ^ 3 2) (X-Y) ^ 2 - (X-Y) ^ 3 (X-Y) ^ 2 - (Y-X) ^ 3 Factorization 1) (x + y) ^ 2 - (x + y) ^ 3 2) (X-Y) ^ 2 - (X-Y) ^ 3 3 (X-Y) ^ 2 - (Y-X) ^ 3 4) 2 (X-Y) - 3 (Y-X) ^ 2 5) 4ab(a+b)^2-6a^2b(a+b) 6) (x+y)^2(x-y)+(x+y)(x-y)^2 7) 2a(a-3)^2-6a^2(3-a)+8a(a-3) 8) 24xy^2z^2(x+y-z)-32xyz(z-x-y)^2+8xyz^3(z-x-y)

1) (x+y)^2-(x+y)^3 =(x+y)²[1-(x+y)]=(x+y)²(1-x-y)2) (x-y)^2-(x-y)^3 =(x-y)²(1-x+y)3) (x-y)^2-(y-x)^3 =(x-y)²+(x-y)³=(x-y)²(1+x-y)4) 2(x-y)-3(y-x)^2=2(x-y)-3(x-y)...

What is the abbreviation of LAN and Wan in computer network

LAN: local area network
Wan: wide area network

Abbreviation of plastic materials

Abbreviation code of plastics and resins
English abbreviation English full name Chinese full name
Acrylonitrile butadiene acrylate copolymer
ABS acrylonitrile butadiene styrene copolymer
AES acrylonitrile ethylene styrene copolymer
AMMA acrylonitrile / methyl methacrylate copolymer
ARP aromatic polyester
Acrylonitrile styrene resin
Acrylic / styrene / acrylate copolymer
CA cellulose acetate
Cab cellulose acetate butyrate plastic
Cap cellulose acetate propionate
CE "cellulose plastics, general"
CF cresol formaldehyde cresol formaldehyde resin
CMC carboxymethyl cellulose
Cn cellulose nitrate
CP cellulose propionate
CPE chlorinated polyethylene
CPVC chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride)
CS casein
CTA cellulose triacetate
EC ethyl cellulose
EEA ethylene / ethyl acrylate copolymer
EMA ethylene / methacrylic acid copolymer
EP "epoxy, epoxy" epoxy resin
EPD ethylene propylene diene terpolymer
EPM ethylene propylene polymer
EPS expanded polystyrene
ETFE ethylene tetrafluoroethylene copolymer
EVA ethylene / vinyl acetate copolymer
Eval ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer
FEP perfluoro (ethylene propylene) plastics
FF furan formaldehyde
HDPE high density polyethylene plastics
Hips high impact polystyrene
IPS impact resistant polystyrene ne
LCP liquid crystal polymer
LDPE low density polyethylene plastics
LLDPE linear low density polyethylene
LMDPE linear medium density polyethylene
MBS Methacrylate Butadiene Styrene Copolymer
MC methyl cellulose
Medium density polyethylene
MF melamine formaldehyde resin
MPF melamine / phenol formaldehyde melamine / phenolic resin
PA polyamide (nylon)
PAA poly (acrylic acid)
PADC poly (allyl diglycol carbon) carbonate diethylene glycol ester and allyl alcohol ester resin
PAE polyarylether
Paek polyaryletherketone
Pai polyamide imide
Pak Polyester alkyd resin
Pan polyacrylonitrile
Para polyarylamide
PASU polyarylsulfone
Pat polyarylate
Paur poly (ester urethane)
Pb polybutene-1 - [1]
PBA poly (butyl acrylate)
Pban polybutadiene acrylonitrile
PBS polybutadiene styrene
PBT poly (butylene terephthalate)
PC polycarbonate
PCTFE polychlorotrifluoroethylene
PDAP poly (diallyl phthalate)
PE polyethylene
PEBA polyether block amide
PEBA thermoplastic elastomer polyester thermoplastic elastomer
Peek polyetherketone
Pei poly (etherimide) polyether imide
PEK polyether ketone
PEO poly (ethylene oxide)
PES poly (ether sulfone)
Pet poly (ethylene terephthalate)
Pet modified by PETG poly (ethylene terephthalate) glycol
Peur poly (ether urethane)
Pf phenol formaldehyde resin
PFA perfluoro (alkoxyalkane) perfluoroalkoxy resin
PFF phenol furfural resin
PI polyimide
PIB polyisobutylene
Pisu polyimidesulfone
PMCA poly (methyl alpha chloroacrylate)
PMMA poly (methyl methacrylate)
PMP poly (4-methylpentene-1) poly (4-methylpentene-1)
PMS poly (alpha methylstyrene) poly (α - methylstyrene)
POM "polyoxymethylene, polycacetal"
PP polypropylene
PPA polyphthalamide
PPE poly (phenylene ether)
PPO poly (phenylene oxide)
PPOX poly (propylene oxide)
PPS poly (phenylene sulfide)
PPSU poly (phenylene sulfone)
PS polystyrene
PSU polysulfone
PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
Pur polyurethane
PVAc poly (vinyl acetate)
PVAL poly (vinyl alcohol)
PVB poly (vinyl butyral)
PVC poly (vinyl chloride)
PVCA poly (vinyl chloride acetate)
PVCC chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride) (* CPVC)
PVI poly (vinyl isobutyl ether)
PVM poly (vinyl chloride vinyl methyl ether)
Ram restricted area molding
RF resorcinol formaldehyde resin
Rim reaction injection molding
RP reinforced plastics
RRIM enhanced reaction injection molding
RTP reinforced thermoplastics
S / an styrene acrylonitrile copolymer
Styrene butadiene block copolymer
Si silicone polysiloxane
SMC sheet molding compound
S / MS styrene - α - methylstyrene copolymer
TMC thick molding compound
TPE thermoplastic elastomer
TPS toughed polystyrene
TPU thermoplastic urethanes
TPX ploymethylpentene poly-4-methyl-1-pentene
VG / E vinyl chloride ethylene copolymer
VC / E / MA vinyl chloride ethylene methylacrylate copolymer
VC / E / VCA vinyl chloride ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer
PVDC poly (vinylidene chloride)
PVDF poly (vinylidene fluoride)
PVF poly (vinyl fluoride)
PVFM poly (vinyl formal)
PVK polyvinylcarbazole
PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone
S / MA styrene maleic anhydride plastic
San styrene acrylonitrile plastic
Sb styrene butadiene plastic
Silicon plastics
SMS styrene / alpha methylstyrene plastic
SP saturated polyester plastic
Modification of SRP styrene rubber plastics