Factorization of 4 * x ^ 2 * y ^ 2-6 * x ^ 2 * Y-2 * x * y

Factorization of 4 * x ^ 2 * y ^ 2-6 * x ^ 2 * Y-2 * x * y

Original formula = 2XY (2xy-3x-1)

What is the factorization of (x + 1) (x + 2) x 1 / 4?

It's better to multiply it by four
(4 (x + 1) (x + 2) + 1) / 4

Factorization: X (x + 1) (x + 2) (x + 3) - 24

Original formula = (X & # 178; + 3x) (X & # 178; + 3x + 2) - 24 let X & # 178; + 3x + 1 = a original formula = (A-1) (a + 1) - 24 = A & # 178; - 1-24 = A & # 178; - 25 = (a-5) (a + 5)

Factorization factor: X (x-1) (x + 1) (x + 2) - 24=______ .

The original formula = x (x + 1) (x-1) (x + 2) - 24 = x (x2-1) (x + 2) - 24 = x (X3 + 2x2-x-2) - 24 = X4 + 2x3-x2-2x-24 = (x4-2x3) + 4x3-x2-2x-24 = X3 (X-2) + 4x3-8x2 + 7x2-2x-24 = (X3 + 4x2) (X-2) + (7x2-14x) + (12x-24) = (X3 + 4x2 + 7x + 12

Room center
Thank you

Housekeeping center
service center

English translation
Brackets for tips. Although very basic, but still hope you help

If you still haver additional requirements,please contact our housekeeping manager.Thank you.

Can you help me find the room attendant

Could you help me find the housemaid?

About accommodation during the meeting, because the room is tight, please reply as soon as possible whether you need to reserve and which room type

Regarding to the accomodation issue during the conference,as the rooms are scarce,would you please get back to me ASAP if you want to book and what kind of room you would prefer?Looking forward for yo...

Who has the English translation of hotel rooms

May I know your name and room number? May I know your name and room number? Here is your room key

English translation
1. Housekeeping department. May I help you?
2. Please help me clean the guest room immediately,
1. OK. The waiter will be there in five minutes. Please wait a moment!
2. OK. How about the laundry service in the hotel?
(how to talk later) then help me translate it,

1.Hello,this is Housekeeping ,what can I do for you?2.Would you please clean the room for me right now,thanks.1.Sure,the cleaner will be there in 5 minutes,please wait a moment.2.Ok,Would you please t...