When the power of an integer is n-2x-2, what is the value of the power of an integer

When the power of an integer is n-2x-2, what is the value of the power of an integer

X ^ (n + 2) - 2x ^ (2-N) + 2 is cubic,
N + 2 = 3 or 2-N = 3,
N = 1 or n = - 1,
The polynomial is x ^ 3-2x + 2. When x = - 1, the original formula = - 1 + 2 + 2 = 3,
Or the polynomial is x-2x ^ 3 + 2, when x = - 1, the original formula = - 1 + 2 + 2 = 3

When k is the value, the polynomial X2 - (2k + 2) x + K2 + 5

Is it true that when k is a value, the algebraic expression is a complete square?
That is, when k = 2, the algebraic expression is a complete square expression

X2 + 6x + K2 is the complete square of a polynomial, which can be used to find the value of K


7823012345, lesson 5, No.56 bus, room 503?

Seventy-eight,two hundred and thirty,twelve thousand three hundred and forty-five,the fifth class,bus number fifty-six,room five hundred and three.

Waiting for the bus at the bus stop in a bookstore

in a book shop
wait for the bus at the bus stop

How to write both and one of them?
It must be translated with the phrases in the first volume of the seventh grade

both of them
each of them
I hope I can help you

What are English phrases and how to write them?

English phrases are phrases
Example: turn up

How to write the English phrase of care
It's best to answer in five minutes

take good care of sb
look after

What does OCC mean

Results: OCC bilingual dictionary results: OCC [English] ['&; k] [American] [' &; k] abbr.occupation If you have any questions about this answer, please ask if you are satisfied

A hotel room department has 60 rooms for tourists to live in. When the price of each room is 200 yuan per day, the room can be full. When the price of each room is increased by 10 yuan per day, there will be a room free. For a room with tourists, the hotel needs to pay 20 yuan per day for each room. Suppose the price of each room is increased by X yuan per day The functional relationship between the daily occupancy y (rooms) and X (yuan); (2) the functional relationship between the daily room charge P (yuan) and X (yuan); (3) the functional relationship between the daily profit w (yuan) and X (yuan) of the room department of the hotel; when the price of each room is how many yuan per day, w has the maximum value? What is the maximum value?

(1) From the question meaning: y = 60-x10 (2 points) (2) z = (200 + x) (60-x10) = - 110x2 + 40x + 12000 (3 points) (3) w = (200 + x) (60-x10) - 20 × (60-x10) (2 points) = - 110x2 + 42x + 10800 = - 110 (x-210) 2 + 15210. When x = 210, w has the maximum value. At this time, x + 200 = 410, that is to say, when the price of each room is 410 yuan per day, w has the maximum value, and the maximum value is 15210 yuan .