It is proved that if P is a prime greater than 5, then p 2 - 1 is a multiple of 24

It is proved that if P is a prime greater than 5, then p 2 - 1 is a multiple of 24

It is proved that positive integers can be divided into six classes: 6K, 6K + 1, 6K + 2, 6K + 3, 6K + 4, 6K + 5. Because P is a prime number greater than 5, P can only belong to 6K + 1, 6K + 5. When p = 6K + 1, P2-1 = 36k2 + 12K = 12K (3K + 1), because there must be an even number in K, 3K + 1, then 24 is (P2 -...)

Can the remainder of a prime divided by 6 be 2 or 3? Why?

No way
Let this number 6N + 2 (n ≥ 0)
Then the number must not be prime, contrary to the hypothesis
Let 6N + 3 = 3 (2n + 1)
Then the number must not be prime, contrary to the hypothesis
It's impossible to divide a prime number by two or six

Prime divided by sum equals (prime or sum), hurry

A prime divided by a composite equals (prime or composite) a fraction is neither a prime nor a composite

Divide 2033 by Prime a, the quotient is a two digit number, the remainder is 35, what is prime a


200 divided by a two digit prime, the remainder is 14, what is the two digit prime?

This two digit prime is 31
This kind of topic must pay attention to small words, such as 186 ≠ 2 × 93, why? Because 2 is not a two digit number

23,29,31,37 prime divided by 6, what are the characteristics of the remainder

Remainder = 5 or 1
First of all, prime numbers greater than 2 are odd numbers, so the remainder of dividing by 6 can only be 1, 3, 5. If the remainder of being divided by 6 is 3, it can certainly be divided by 3. Except 3, other multiples of 3 are composite numbers. Therefore, if a prime number greater than 3 is divided by 6, the remainder can only be 1 or 5

If you divide 6 by other prime numbers, the remainder must be 1 or 5, right?


If an integer has the following properties: (1) the difference between this number and 1 is a prime number; (2) the quotient of this number divided by 2 is also a prime number; (3) the remainder of this number divided by 9 is 5. We call this integer a lucky number?

The multiples of 9 within 100 are: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 80, 81, 90, 99. The remainder of (3) divided by 9 is 5:14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77, 86, 95. The difference between (1) and 1 is prime. The quotient of (2) divided by 2 is prime

If a number is divided by 6, the quotient is 13 times of the remainder, and the remainder is the smallest prime number?

The smallest prime number is 2
This number

The quotient of a number divided by 9 is the same as the remainder. The remainder is 15. The prime number is ()

The remainder cannot be greater than the divisor
In this problem, the divisor is 9 and the remainder is 15
Moreover, the problem of finding a prime number has nothing to do with the subject condition
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