It is known that the product of two inner terms in a proportion is the smallest prime number, one outer term is 6 / 7, and the other outer term is () How much?

It is known that the product of two inner terms in a proportion is the smallest prime number, one outer term is 6 / 7, and the other outer term is () How much?

The product of internal terms = the product of external terms
Then another external term is 2 / (6 / 7) = 7 / 3

A is a prime, and a + 6, a + 8, a + 12, a + 14 are all prime. What is the minimum of a?

The minimum of a is: 5. Because: 5 + 6 = 11 5 + 8 = 13 5 + 12 = 17 5 + 14 = 9 are prime numbers

A is a prime number, and a + 6, a + 8, a + 12, a + 14 are all prime numbers. Find all prime numbers a that satisfy the conditions

Because 5 + 6 = 11
All prime numbers
Hope to adopt

A prime number plus 10 or minus 14 is still a prime number___ (for detailed explanation)


A is a prime, and a + 4, a + 6, a + 8 are all prime, what is the minimum of a

A the minimum is - 1
-1+4 = 3
-1+6 = 5
-1+8 = 7
So a minimum is - 1

If a prime number is prime after adding 6, 8, 12 and 14, then the prime number is______ .

Let this prime number be x, divide X by 5, and divide the remainder into the following five cases: when x = 5K + 1, then x + 14 = 5 (K + 3) is a composite number; when x = 5K + 2, then x + 8 = 5 (K + 2) is a composite number; when x = 5K + 3, then x + 12 = 5 (K + 3) is a composite number; when x = 5K + 4, then x + 6 = 5 (K + 2) is a composite number, so only x = 5K

Two coprime numbers must be () A. both are prime numbers B. both are odd numbers C. the common factor is only 1D. It is a continuous integer


Within 20, the sum of not even numbers has______ Prime numbers that are not odd have______ .

According to the definitions of odd and even numbers, prime and composite numbers, within 20, the composite numbers that are not even numbers are 9 and 15, and the prime numbers that are not odd numbers are 2

In the number of 1-20, the number that is prime but not odd is (),
If it is a composite number but not an even number, it is (), if it is an odd number but not a prime number, it is (), if it is neither a prime number nor a composite number, it is (). The adjacent prime numbers are(

In the number of 1-20, the number that is prime but not odd is (2),
If it is a composite number but not an even number, (9,15), if it is an odd number but not a prime number, (9,15), if it is neither a prime nor a composite number, (1). The adjacent prime numbers are (2,3)

Among the natural numbers from 1 to 20, which ones are odd but not prime?
