Why are prime numbers and composite numbers

Why are prime numbers and composite numbers

There is no difference between prime number and composite number in nature, which is separated for the convenience of research
In mathematics, prime numbers are defined as natural numbers that can be divided by themselves and 1 (I think it's a bit nonsense to be divided by 1, but that's what the mathematical definition says), that is, except 1 and itself, all other numbers have remainder, such as 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and so on
Of course, if you calculate carefully, 0 meets this condition (including 1). Unfortunately, in the study of number theory, natural numbers start from 1 and do not include 0 and negative numbers. Therefore, 0 is not a prime number. At the same time, negative numbers are not divided into prime numbers and composite numbers. Therefore, although - 5 and - 6 are integers, they cannot be divided into prime numbers and composite numbers, That is: integers, composite numbers and prime numbers are not the same concept. Not all integers can be divided into composite numbers of prime numbers
All natural numbers except prime numbers are composite numbers
In addition, 1 is a special number, which also conforms to the original definition of prime number. However, it is stipulated that 1 is not a prime number, nor a composite number. This is also stipulated for the purpose of studying problems
Therefore, the definition of prime number is: except 1, the number that can only be divided by 1 and itself is prime number
I wonder if you understand

Is 2 prime or composite

Prime number

Two is prime or composite

Prime number

If a is prime and B is composite, then ()
A. a+(b+2)B. (a+2)×bC. (a+2)÷bD. (a-2)÷b

According to the meaning of composite number, in the four formulas of a + (B + 2), (a + 2) × B, (a + 2) △ B, (A-2) △ B, because B is a composite number and has at least three factors, the product of (a + 2) × B contains at least three factors, so it must be a composite number

Is the product of 98 2 + 1 and the product of 98 2 + 3 prime or composite?

The product of 98 2 + 1 is a composite number, and the product of 98 2 + 3 is a prime number

What is the difference between the product of the largest two-bit prime minus the smallest sum and the smallest two-bit prime?

The largest two prime number is 97
The smallest sum is 4
The smallest two digit prime is 11
Therefore, the difference is 97-4 × 11 = 53

The product of the reciprocal of the minimum prime number and the reciprocal of the minimum composite number is______ .

12 × 14 = 18, so the answer is: 18

The reciprocal of the sum of the smallest composite number and the smallest prime number is ()

The minimum prime is 2 and the minimum sum is 4
The sum is 6
The countdown is 1 / 6
The reciprocal of the sum of the smallest composite number and the smallest prime number is (1 / 6)
Have a good time:)

The reciprocal of () is the smallest prime number, and the reciprocal of () is the smallest composite number

The reciprocal of (1 / 2) is the smallest prime number, and the reciprocal of (1 / 4) is the smallest composite number

What is prime 8 () + () = () - () 24 = () + () = () + ()

8 (2 )+( 5)=(89 )-(2 )