21 / 17 × (3 / 8-0.75) + 151 / 12 ÷ 17 / 21 the known natural number a has only two divisors, then 5A has at most three divisors List the formulas

21 / 17 × (3 / 8-0.75) + 151 / 12 ÷ 17 / 21 the known natural number a has only two divisors, then 5A has at most three divisors List the formulas

Judgment: correct
If it has nothing to do with the previous formula
A is a prime number
And because 5A = 5 * a
So 5A has at most three divisors
This question is correct

At the same time, the minimum natural number of factors 2, 3 and 5 is (), and the prime factor is ()

At the same time, the minimum natural number of factors 2, 3 and 5 is (30), and the prime factor is (2, 3 and 5)

Let natural number m decompose prime factor, M = 2 × 3 × a, then M has several factors

The powers of the three prime factors are all 1, so there are (1 + 1) (1 + 1) (1 + 1) = 8

If a natural number to the third power has exactly 100 divisors, then the natural number itself has at least 100 divisors______ A divisor

Let this natural number be a, then the prime factor of a decomposition is a = A1B1 × a2b2 × a3b3 × Then A3 = a13b1 × a23b2 × a33b3 × The number of divisors of A3 is 100. According to the theorem of sum of divisors, we can get: (3b 1 + 1) × (3b 2 + 1) + (3b 3 + 1) × ×(3bn+1)=1...

If a natural number to the third power has exactly 100 divisors, then the natural number itself has at least 100 divisors______ A divisor

Let this natural number be a, then the prime factor of a decomposition is a = A1B1 × a2b2 × a3b3 × Then A3 = a13b1 × a23b2 × a33b3 × The number of divisors of A3 is 100. According to the theorem of sum of divisors, we can get: (3b 1 + 1) × (3b 2 + 1) + (3b 3 + 1) × X (3bn + 1) = 100, and 100 = 2 × 2 × 5 × 5, because B1, B2, B3 When B1 = 3, B2 = 3, n = 2, the number of divisors of a is: (3 + 1) × (3 + 1) = 16, (2) when B1 = 33, n = 1, the number of divisors of a is: 33 + 1 = 34. A: to sum up, the natural number itself has at least 16 divisors. So the answer is: 16

If the product of all positive divisors of a natural number n is the fourth power of 2 multiplied by the twelfth power of 3, what is the value of N?

The approximate number is

If a natural number to the third power has exactly 100 divisors, then the natural number itself has at least 100 divisors______ A divisor

Let this natural number be a, then the prime factor of a decomposition is a = A1B1 × a2b2 × a3b3 × Then A3 = a13b1 × a23b2 × a33b3 × The number of divisors of A3 is 100. According to the theorem of sum of divisors, we can get: (3b 1 + 1) × (3b 2 + 1) + (3b 3 + 1) × X (3bn + 1) = 100, and 100 = 2 × 2 × 5 × 5, because B1, B2, B3 When B1 = 3, B2 = 3, n = 2, the number of divisors of a is: (3 + 1) × (3 + 1) = 16, (2) when B1 = 33, n = 1, the number of divisors of a is: 33 + 1 = 34. A: to sum up, the natural number itself has at least 16 divisors. So the answer is: 16

The natural number a decomposes the prime factor, a = a × B × C (a, B, C are all unequal prime numbers), and the factors of a share ()

There are eight factors of A

If we know that M = ABC, where A.B.C are all prime numbers, then ()

Because, there are three primes ABC, which can form two primes, the number of products is 3 * (3 + 1) / 2 = 6, there are AA, AB, AC, BB, BC, CC. There are three primes, the number of products is 1, and the total number is 7

It is known that the prime factor of M is m = a times b times C, where a, B and C are all prime numbers. How many combined numbers are there in the factors of M

A. The multiplication of B and C is a composite number. There are three (AB, AC, BC)
Three times is also. So there are: 3 + 1 = 4