The product of two primes is 145 and the sum is 34. What is the larger of the two primes? Just answer, not use what you say

The product of two primes is 145 and the sum is 34. What is the larger of the two primes? Just answer, not use what you say


A set of all primes less than 8?
Isn't it? Why?

Prime number (also called prime number) is a positive integer with and only 1 and its two divisors
The set of all primes less than 8 is {2,3,5,7}
1 is not a prime because 1 has only one divisor 1
4 is not a prime because there are three divisors 1, 2, 4
6 is not prime because there are four divisors 1, 2, 3, 6

How to express the set of primes less than 20?


A set of all prime numbers greater than 1 and less than 100?

Prime number means that there is no common divisor except 1 and itself (excluding 1), and 2 is the only prime even number
I don't know if it's wrong, you can see for yourself!

A set of all prime numbers greater than 1 and less than 100?

Y = {y belongs to integer, y is greater than 2 and less than root x}
X = {x belongs to integer, X is greater than 2 and less than 100, X cannot be divided by any number in Y set}
Note: some mathematical symbols can not be typed, please understand

Greater than 1, less than 100 prime number of the whole set, urgent!
Use description! Don't write me too many numbers

{x | x is prime, 1

Which primes are 28


Which primes can 5043 form


Form 1, 2 and 3 to form one prime number, two prime numbers and three prime numbers
It's better to have all of them

two hundred and thirty-one

The sum of the two primes is 30. What are the two primes

It could be
7 and 23
11 and 19
13 and 17