Which two primes can 48 be divided into 48 =( )+( )=( )+( )=( )+ ( ) =( )+( ) ==( )

Which two primes can 48 be divided into 48 =( )+( )=( )+( )=( )+ ( ) =( )+( ) ==( )


48 = [] + [] prime

48=【29】 + 【19】

The sum of two prime numbers is 48 and the product is 65. What are the two prime numbers?
freedom from error

A prime number is also called a prime number. It refers to the number in a natural number greater than 1 which can not be divided by other natural numbers except 1 and the integer itself. In other words, a natural number with only two positive factors (1 and itself) is a prime number. A number larger than 1 but not a prime number is called a composite number. 1 and 0 are neither prime nor composite numbers

Which two prime numbers is 103 composed of

2 and 101

The sum of the two primes is 2005, and the product of the two primes is 2005______ .

Because the sum of two prime numbers is odd, one prime number must be odd and the other even. Because 2 is the only even prime number, the other prime number is 2003, so their product is 2 × 2003 = 4006

The sum of two prime numbers is 2005. What is the sum of two prime numbers?
There is a wrong number on it
The sum of two prime numbers is 2005. What is the product of two prime numbers?

All prime numbers except 2 are odd
And the sum of two prime numbers is 2005, which is odd,
So these two prime numbers are 2 and 2005-2 = 2003
The product of these two prime numbers is 2 × 2003 = 4006

Fill in the brackets with the appropriate prime number 48 = () × () × () × () 72 = () × () × () × ()
The three digit numbers composed of 3, 7, 4 and 8 are multiples of 3. The three digit numbers composed of 3, 7, 4 and 8 are multiples of 9

Fill in the brackets with the appropriate prime 48 = (2) × (2) × (2) × (2) X3
The three digit numbers composed of 3, 7, 4 and 8 are multiples of 3: 378, 387, 873, 837, 738, 783, 348, 384
483、438、843、834 .
There are 378, 387, 873, 837, 738 and 783 in the three digits of 9

1999 = () + () how many kinds of prime numbers can be filled in brackets?
A. 1
B. 100 kinds
C. 53 species
D. 15 kinds
E. 54 species
(to give an example)

A. 1
1999=(2 )+(1997 )
Because only two prime numbers are even and the others are odd,
It is impossible for two odd numbers to add up to an odd number

Prime numbers in brackets
() + () = 30 () + () = say three each

7 + 23 =30
11 + 19 = 30
13 + 17 = 30

The product of three primes is 78. What are the three primes

78 = 3 × 2 × 13 A: these three prime numbers are 3, 2 and 13 respectively