Let a = Log1 / 3 (2), B = Log1 / 2 (3), C = (0.5) ^ 0.3, then the order of a, B, C from large to small is The one that is not based on 10 is based on 1 / 3, and the other is based on 1 / 2.

Let a = Log1 / 3 (2), B = Log1 / 2 (3), C = (0.5) ^ 0.3, then the order of a, B, C from large to small is The one that is not based on 10 is based on 1 / 3, and the other is based on 1 / 2.

What is the base of log
Is it LG (base 10)
If so, the first two are negative
a=lg1/3=-lg3,b=lg1/2=-lg2 ,c=(0.5)^0.3>0

It is known that log32 = a, log53 = B, and log145 is represented by a and B

log12 45=log3 45/log3 12=log3(3*3*5)/log3(2*2*3)=[log3 3+log 3 3+log3 5]/[log3 2+log3 2+log3 3]=[2+1/b]/[2a+1]=[2b+1]/[2ab+b]

It is known that a = log3 2, where log3 8-2 log3 6 is?

log3 8-2log3 6
= 3log3 2 - 2(log 3 3 + log 3 2)
= 3log3 2 - 2(1 + log3 2)
= log 3 2 - 2
= a - 2