How to calculate the logarithm of shared electron pairs First of all, you should learn to analyze the structure of compounds Compounds are generally divided into: covalent compounds, ionic compounds A covalent bond of a covalent compound forms a common electron pair For example: H2O, water, H need 2 electrons to be stable, O need 8 electrons to be stable One h takes out one electron, O takes out two electrons, and combines with the electrons taken out of two H atoms to form covalent bonds. There are two covalent bonds, that is, there are two common electron pairs. Look, I still don't understand. Help me

How to calculate the logarithm of shared electron pairs First of all, you should learn to analyze the structure of compounds Compounds are generally divided into: covalent compounds, ionic compounds A covalent bond of a covalent compound forms a common electron pair For example: H2O, water, H need 2 electrons to be stable, O need 8 electrons to be stable One h takes out one electron, O takes out two electrons, and combines with the electrons taken out of two H atoms to form covalent bonds. There are two covalent bonds, that is, there are two common electron pairs. Look, I still don't understand. Help me

The atomic number of O is 8, which has two layers of electrons. The first layer has two electrons, and the outermost layer has six electrons. It takes two electrons to reach stability. The atomic number of H is 1, which has only one layer. It takes one electron to reach stability. The two H atoms take out one electron and form covalent bond with two unpaired electrons of O atom, as shown in the figure,
H:O :H

For the logarithm of a number greater than 1, the first number is equal to the number of digits of the integral part of the true number minus 1; for the logarithm of a positive number less than 1, the first number is negative, and the absolute value of the negative number is equal to the number of all zeros before the first non-zero number in the true number

In addition, if he said "digit" refers to decimal digits, then the base of the logarithm operation should be 10. For example, the logarithm of 4-digit integer is, the logarithm of 10 digit integer is 9.xxxx, and the logarithm of 0.004 is log4 - 3, so it is - 2.xxxx

(1 + 1 / N) ∧ n = e how to take logarithm on both sides? What does logarithm mean?
Please explain in detail!

Taking logarithm means taking the logarithm of a number. For example, the natural logarithm of E is lne = 1. In the above question, all the left and right equations take the natural logarithm and are still equal, that is, LN [(1 + 1 / N) ∧ n] = lne, that is, n * ln (1 + 1 / N) = 1