Lg5 × LG6 = how much

Lg5 × LG6 = how much

lg5 ≈ 0.6989
lg6 ≈ 0.7781
lg5 × lg6 = 0.6989 × 0.7781 ≈ 0.5438
Hope to help you

For real numbers a, B, C, if there are and only two formulas in (1) LG2 = 1-a-c (2) Lg3 = 2a-b (3) LG4 = 2-2a-2c (4) lg5 = a + C (5) LG6 = 1 + a-b-c which are not tenable, then the formula which is not tenable is______ .

Suppose LG2 = 1-a-c, then LG4 = 2lg2 = 2 (1-a-c) = 2-2a-2c, lg5 = lg102 = 1-lg2 = a + C, then (1) (3) (4) is correct, ∵ there are and only two formulas are not true, ∵ 2 (5) is wrong. So the answer is: (2) (5)

Which is bigger, lg5 / LG6 or lg7 / LG8?

Let f (x) = logx (x-1) = (LN (x-1)) / (LNX) = (LG (x-1)) / (lgx)
Derivation f '(x) = ((LNX / (x-1) - ln (x-1) / x) / (LNX) ^ 2
Because LNX > ln (x-1) x > (x-1), so ((LNX / (x-1) - ln (x-1) / x) > 0
Then the derivative f '(x) = ((LNX / (x-1) - ln (x-1) / x) / (LNX) ^ 2 > 0
So (LNX) = LNX (1)) / (LNX) = LNX