Since the π bond should be considered in the calculation of lone pair electron logarithm of 03 central atom, how to determine whether there are π bonds such as ClO2 and O3 in the calculation of lone pair electron

Since the π bond should be considered in the calculation of lone pair electron logarithm of 03 central atom, how to determine whether there are π bonds such as ClO2 and O3 in the calculation of lone pair electron

The principle is that if the central atom can be SP2 hybridized and the empty p orbital can recombine with the coordination atom side by side to form a π bond
So, in general, we form a π bond
For example, according to VSEPR theory, ClO2 chlorine can be hybridized by SP3, but it can be hybridized by SP2, and the remaining p orbital can overlap with the p orbital of O, forming a large π bond of π 35, so SP2 is preferred