If the divisor, divisor, sum of quotient and remainder is 143, the divisor is larger than the divisor______ .

If the divisor, divisor, sum of quotient and remainder is 143, the divisor is larger than the divisor______ .

Suppose the divisor is x, then the divisor is 3x + 10, from which we can get: 3x + 10 + X + 3 + 10 = 143 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 4X = 120 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & x = 30, the divisor is 3 × 30

If the sum of the divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder is 143, then the divisor is []

Divisor + divisor = 143-3-10 = 130
Divisor = (130-10) / (3 + 1) = 30
Divisor = 30 × 3 + 10 = 100

There is an equation problem in Xiaobin's exercise book. One of the numbers is polluted by ink, which is 5x-1 / 4 = 3x + () - 3 / 4
There is an equation problem in Xiaobin's exercise book. One of the numbers is polluted by ink, which becomes 5 / 4 X-1 = 3 / 2 x + () - 2 / 3 x [where "()" means the number polluted by ink]. He turns the answer after reading the book and knows that the solution of the equation is x = - 1, so he works out the number polluted by ink. Can you write down Xiaobin's calculation process?

There is an equation problem in Xiaoming's exercise book. One of the numbers is polluted by ink and becomes 1 / 3 (x-x-1 / 2) = 1-x - □ / 5
There is an equation problem in Xiaoming's exercise book. One of the numbers is polluted by ink, which becomes 1 / 3 (X-2 / x-1) = 1-5 / X -. He looks at the answer after the book and knows that the solution of the equation is x = 5, so he works out the polluted number. Please write down Xiaoming's solution process

The original equation is 1 / 3 [- (x-1) / 2 + x] = 1 - (x-a) / 5, and its solution is x = 5
The solution of 6A = 11x-25 is x = 5
a=﹙11x-25﹚ /6=﹙11×5-25﹚/6=5
The number of ink contaminated is 5

There is an equation problem in Xiaogang's exercise book. One of the numbers is polluted by ink, which becomes (3x + 1) / 5 = 1 - (x + ·) / 5. He turns over the answer after the book and knows that the solution of the equation is 1 / 4, so he works out the pollution number. How can he find it

Let the polluted number be the unknown number y
Let x = 1 / 4 be replaced by y

There is the same solution for the equation 3 [X-2 (x-a third)] = 4x and 3x + a-1-5x = 1. Find the value of A

Because 3 [X-2 (x-a third)] = 4x and equation 3x + a-1-5x = 1 have the same solution,
So, from 3 [X-2 (x-third a)] = 4x, we get a = 7x / 2,
From 3x of 12 + a-1-5x of 8 = 1, 2A = 27-21x,
So 7x = 27-21x, the solution is x = 27 / 28,
So a = 27 / 8

It is known that the equation 3 (x + 3 / a) = 2x and 2 / 3x + A-3 / 1 + 5x = 1 about X have the same solution
It is known that the equation 3 (x + 3 / a) = 2x and 2 / 3x + A-3 / 1 + 5x = 1 about X have the same solution, so we can find the value of A

3 (x + a of 3) = 2x (1)
3x + A-1 / 3 + 5x = 1 (2)
Solving a system of linear equations of two variables
(1) It is reduced to x = - A
(2) After simplification, a + 8x-4 / 3 = 0
Substituting (1) into (2)
The solution is a-8a = 4 / 3
So, a = - 4 / 21
If you don't understand, you are welcome to ask,

3x + 5 and 5x + 3 are opposite to each other


When what is the value of X, 5x-3 / 2 and 1 / 2 [5x - (3x-5)] are opposite to each other?

According to the meaning of the title:
So x = - 1 / 6
So when x = - 1 / 6, 5x-3 / 2 and 1 / 2 [5x - (3x-5)] are opposite numbers

When x takes what value, (5-3x) / 2 and 1 / 2 [5x - (3x-5] are opposite to each other?

(5-3x) / 2 and 1 / 2 [5x - (3x-5] are opposite numbers