The quotient of the number a divided by the number B is 15, the remainder is 10, the sum of the number a and the number B is 330, and the number a is 1______ The number B is______ .

The quotient of the number a divided by the number B is 15, the remainder is 10, the sum of the number a and the number B is 330, and the number a is 1______ The number B is______ .

Let B be x, then a is 15x + 10, x + 15x + 10 = 330 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 16x = 320 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 20 × 15 + 10 = 310 A: A is 310, B is 20, so the answer is 310, 20

The sum of a and B is 470, the quotient of a divided by B is 8, the remainder is 2, what is B?


Finding two roots of equation 3x ^ 2-5x-2 = 0

X = - 1 / 3 or x = 2

3x what = 28 makes the solution of the equation x = 8

3x+4 = 28
The solution of the equation is x = 8

When 3 〈 a 〈 8, the solution of the equation 3x-8 = a (x-1) about X is ()
A. B positive number C zero D negative number


X = 8 is the solution of the equation 3x-3 = x / 42a and X-1 / 3 [X-1 / 3 (X-B)]=
=1 / 9 [x + b], B

3X-3=X/4 2a X-1/3[X-1/3(x-b)]=1/9[X+b]
3*8-3=8/42a 8-1/3[8-1/3(8-b)]=1/9[8+b]
a=441/4 b=24

If x = 3, y = - 1 is the solution of the equation 3x by = 8, then B = what

Substitute X and Y into the formula

(1) How to solve the two equations of - 3-3x + 5 = - 8 (2) 3x + 4 = x?


There is an equation problem in Xiaoqiang's exercise book. One of the numbers is polluted by ink and becomes a problem
1 / 3 (negative half of X-1 + x) = 1-fifth of X - △ where △ is the polluted number. He turned the answer after the book and knew that the solution of the equation was x = 5. So he solved the polluted number and wrote out the calculation process of Xiaoqiang

1 / 3 (negative half X-1 + x) = 1-fifth X - △ the solution is x = 5
Then 1 / 3 (- 4 / 2 + 5) = 1-5 (5 - △)
1 / 3 * (- 2 + 5) = 1-5 (5 - △)
1 = 1-5 (5 - △)
(5 - △ of 5) = 0

When Xiao Ming was doing his homework, there was an equation problem in his exercise book. One of the numbers was polluted by ink and became (x + 1 / 2 - (5x - ·) / 3. The solution of the equation was 2

If we take x into the equation, we get the following result: