Find the remainder of the product 288 times 226 times 423 divided by 13!

Find the remainder of the product 288 times 226 times 423 divided by 13!

Let three numbers be 13A + B, 13C + D and 13e + F respectively
Because 13 & sup3; ACE + 13 & sup2; ade + 13 & sup2; BCE + 13 & sup2; ACF + 13ebd + 13adf + 13bcf is an integral multiple of 13,
So the remainder of (13a + b) × (13C + D) × (13e + F) is the remainder of BDF,
That is, the product of the remainder of three numbers divided by the remainder of 13
288÷13=22…… two
226÷13=17…… five
423÷13=32…… seven
The product of three residues: 2 × 5 × 7 = 70
Remainder: 70 △ 13 = 5 five
Therefore, the remainder of 288 × 226 × 423 △ 13 is 5

Find the remainder of 2006 1 divided by 13

Because, three 1111 divided by 13, the remainder is 74 11111 divided by 13, the remainder is 65 111111 divided by 13, the remainder is 96 1111111 divided by 13, the remainder is 07 11111111 divided by 13, the remainder is 18 111111111 divided by 13, the remainder is 119 1111111111 divided by 13, the remainder is 7, we can get the rule, 2006

What is the remainder of (a + B + C) / 8?

Yu 2
Let number a be 8A + 7, number B be 8b + 6, and number C be 8C + 5
A + B + C = 8 (a + B + C) + 18
8 (a + B + C) can be divided by 8, so the remainder is (18 divided by 8) = 2 and 2

(20-x + 27) / (x + 19) = 2 solve the equation
(20-x + 27) / (x + 19) = 2 help me


Find the positive integer solution of equation (1 / x) + (1 / x + 1) + (1 / x + 2) + (1 / x + 3) = 19 / 20

X = 3 is a solution, and the left side decreases monotonically with X, that is, when x increases, the left side becomes smaller, and when x becomes smaller, the left side becomes larger, so there is only one solution

Find the positive integer solution of equation 1 / x + 1 / x + 1 + 1 / x + 2 + 1 / x + 3 = 19 / 20 faster

If x is a positive integer, first look at the range, the left side is less than 4 / X and greater than 4 / (x + 3). First solve the equation 4 / x = 19 / 20, and get x = 4.2
If 4 / (x + 3) = 19 / 20, x = 1.2
Then the range of positive integer solution is 1.2 ≤ x ≤ 4.2
The possible values of X are 2,3,4, each of which is taken into account, and the final solution is x = 3

If the solution of the equation [2k-1] x = 3 of X is a positive integer, then K=
If the equation 2 / 2 x + 1 = 4 / 4 x has the same solution as the equation 2 / 4 3x-5 = 2 / 6 5x-1, then M =? & nbsp; & nbsp; A. - 1 & nbsp; B. - 3 & nbsp; C. - 1 or 3 & nbsp; D

Mathematical answer group for you to answer, I hope to help you
If the solution of equation [2k-1] x = 3 is a positive integer, then 2k-1 = 1 or 3, k = 1 or 2

How to solve the equation X-60% x = 160, x + 20% x = 240

It's x-0.6x = 160
That's x + 0.2x = 240

How to solve the equation 180 / x + 180 / y = 27 120 / x + 240 / y = 28?

The solution of the equations is: x = 15, y = 12
Everyone should do it himself
Hope to adopt

How to solve the equation 0.25 of 0.125 = 1.6 of X

0.125 of 0.25 = 1.2 of x = 1.62x = 1.6x = 0