If the number a is divided by the number B, the quotient is 3 and the remainder is 5, then the sum of the two numbers is 85. What is the number a and B?

If the number a is divided by the number B, the quotient is 3 and the remainder is 5, then the sum of the two numbers is 85. What is the number a and B?

Number B: (85-5) / (3 + 1) = 20
Number A: 85-20 = 65

The difference between a and B is 113. If the number a is divided by the number B quotient 7 and the remainder is 5, then the number a is 113______ The number B is______ .

Let B be x, then a be 7x + 5, then 7x + 5-x = 113, & nbsp; 6x + 5 = 113, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 18, then a be 18 × 7 + 5 = 131; so the answer is 131, 18

The sum of number a and number B is 16. The quotient of number a divided by number B is more than 1. What are the numbers a and B?

Number B: (16-1) / (2 + 1) = 5; number A: 2 × 5 + 1 = 11. Answer: number a is 11, number B is 5

(3x-1) 2 = (x + 1) 2 to solve the equation


Solve the equation (1-x ^ 3) / (1-x) = 3x ^ 2
This is the mode equation. Do you need a test root after solving it?

X = 1 (rounding off because X-1 is the denominator)
The solution can check the root
But in fact, you can not use it, as long as you pay attention to the value you can not get

What is the root number of equation 3x - (x-1)?

It's not an equation; how many roots
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It is known that the solution of the equation x / 3-A + 1 = 0 about X is 3 times larger than that of the equation 3x + (A-2) / 3 = 0 about X. try to find the value of a and the solution of the equation

If x / 3-A + 1 = 0, x = 3 (A-1)
The solution 3x + (A-2) / 3 = 0 is x = (2-A) / 9
The solution of 3 (A-1) - (2-A) / 9 = 3 is a = 2
So the solution of the equation is 3 (A-1) = 3 (2-A) / 9 = 0

It is known that the solution of the equation 3x + 6 = 0 and 3x + 2K = 2 about X are the same, and the value of K is obtained

Substituting 3x + 2K = 2

K (X-2) = K + 3x, the solution of the equation of X is - 4, find the value of K-2

The solution is - 4
Mathematics tutoring group answers for you

If x = 1 is the root of the equation MX ^ 2-3x-4 = 0, then the value of M is ()

Taking x = 1 into the equation, we can get m (1) ^ 2-3-4 = 0