How to write chemical reaction equation? Since high school has been unable to write equations, how to know what to generate? And how to know whether to react? Either the thermochemical equation or the chemical equation

How to write chemical reaction equation? Since high school has been unable to write equations, how to know what to generate? And how to know whether to react? Either the thermochemical equation or the chemical equation

When I first studied chemistry, I always struggled with this problem, but I learned a truth after studying chemistry, that is, the chemical reaction is an experimental fact, and the equation is only used to record and express. That is to say, with the chemical reaction, there will be the corresponding equation, or it will be my own conjecture. You should remember all the equations you have learned, and there are some principles in them, For example, acid can react with base, that is to synthesize - oh and - h into water. You will remember HCl + NaOH = NaCl + H2O, not because you really understand the truth, but just because you remember it. The experimental fact is that these two things react together, and it is proved that the product is these two
When I began to learn, it was very painful. Take your time and don't give up. You must be good at other things. Think about how you learn

How to write this chemical reaction equation?
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