Comments on the excerpts of American articles and paragraphs,

Comments on the excerpts of American articles and paragraphs,

Outside the window by Wang Qizhong
Looking out of the window of my bedroom, I can see a tall hibiscus tree. In the uneven spring day, the red spots are charming. It affects my inspiration and stirs up my literary thinking. Over time, I regard this "neighbor" standing across the window as a confidant. However, one morning, I pushed the window and looked at it, and suddenly found that the wind and rain last night had denuded it beyond recognition, A kind of sadness of "falling flowers" swept over my heart! I can't help feeling it: I stumbled on the road of life, experienced many twists and turns, and lost many beloved friends again and again. Life is just like the passing flowers! After some time, it gradually faded away. Once, when I came back from the countryside, I felt that the indoor air was a little dull, Inadvertently, I opened the window, and suddenly I felt a bright light in front of my eyes: a red triangle plum tree was reflected in my eyes, and it was frozen in the background of the setting sun. The unexpected surprise made me almost unable to control myself. I was surprised, why didn't I find this sprouting unyielding life behind the setting sun? Yes, the last petal of Hibiscus withered, People's praise for it is also forgotten in the memory of the past, but the triangle plum has grown up. The flaming red shows the change and continuation of life. Who can say that loss and gain are not a symphony? I stand in front of the window for a long time and deeply realize that there is no constant scenery in life, as long as the heart is always facing the sunshine, You will find that every morning there will be a beautiful and hazy vision spinning in front of your window
Comments: This is a beautiful philosophical prose. The author uses the hibiscus tree and triangle plum outside the window to tell us that there is no eternal scenery in life. As long as you have sunshine in your heart, beautiful scenery will appear outside your window every day. The author's writing style is refined. When he depicts the shape of hibiscus tree and triangle plum, he only uses a few strokes to outline, not too many gorgeous words, But we do feel that they are very beautiful. I think this is due to the author's ability to grasp the characteristics of the two scenes. Most of the time, we don't need to write everything. We just need to write about the charm of things. The author's writing is very fluent. Many psychological descriptions promote the development of the writing. We can learn this way of narration, In fact, it's not that difficult. Just like the hibiscus tree outside the author's window, just like the flaming triangle plum, just like the many sceneries that may appear after the triangle plum. We often say that life is not lack of beauty, but lack of discovery. But even if we have heard this sentence 10000 times, we still don't find beautiful eyes. We always feel that life is too boring, we always feel that life is too boring, Everything is so natural. In fact, it's not. As long as we change our mentality, we will find new scenery everywhere. I think it is precisely because the author has a loving and grateful heart that he can find infinite scenery from his own window
I don't know if it will rain one after another on the rainy day of Qingming. The shadow of the moon is slanting and foggy, and I forget the elegant festival that is about to wander in the world. Listening to Xu Song's Qingming rain, I can recall the past and the old dream of the world by myself. Many nights I didn't want to crawl in the real worldly customs, and then taste the spring snow of Chinese style against the moonlight, I don't want to grow up, but year after year, my mind is flowing, and it's a year of Qingming. I like to spend a little time in the misty rain, suddenly silent, the natural inside light stirs up a few strings, and plays a moving melody. The years ripple, the tile roofed house outside my home, the stone road, the green moss, and the dream breaks in my memory, I don't want to kill myself completely in the so-called reality, but I still fantasize about the unconsciousness, ignoring all the eyes, and forgetting all the burden. On the Qingming rain, the ancient rhyme will always be warm in spring and cool in summer, regardless of the vicissitudes of the world, regardless of the universe, Layered peak stone, suddenly proud of pine, but still in the empty, hundreds of millions of years, see through the kite flying in the sky, see through the fish flying in the shallow bottom, see through the rain, see through the sun, the moon, the stars, wood carving gold, will be deeply buried in the feelings between the cliffs. So I began to wander, can't find what you hide, fortunately, I found, Taihang Qingming, you have thousands of tears in the eyes of the mirror, Rain wet eyes, and then smile to let pedestrians wash their hands with the mountain spring she worked hard to hit, the silent hint, the graceful rickets, as well as the wrinkles of the day, the nostalgia of leaning on the well and looking forward to returning to the hall year after year, is the most beautiful move that Taihang's trip brings me
Comments: This is a prose with beautiful writing style and sincere emotion. It starts with "Qingming tomorrow" and uses Du Mu's poem "Qingming rainy season". The writing is full of classical and beautiful charm. Poetic language, gorgeous but overflowing words, I also like Xu Song's "Qingming rain", but when I listen to the song, I don't think about the old dream of the world, but the sentence "I am wandering in the world, I can't find your paradise". But what's the relationship? It doesn't prevent me from liking the author's article, It doesn't prevent me from finding some sympathetic tacit understanding from the author's writing. Skillfully using parallelism, I can read a passage like flowing clouds and flowing water. The irresistible Qingchou light rain makes people feel like drowning in the author's writing. So I was moved, moved by the words, and moved by the gentle heart behind the words. Taihang Qingming, the universe's desolation, the hint of the mountain, the silence of the mountain, Ordinary people do not fully understand, but they know that this is the common wisdom of heaven and earth. If they have the opportunity, they also want to climb the Taihang Mountain in the rainy season of Qingming, to see the cliff, kiss the mountain spring, listen to the mountain language, and feel the calm and ancient atmosphere of Taihang Qingming

Excerpt from a special paragraph or article

Winter half yellow leaves fall, I hear a voice of life withering. Yes, Yanzi is going to fly south again, there are only withered branches left on the branch, the spring is drying up gradually, and the cold is coming quietly. All these tell me that winter is coming. In my opinion, winter is the most romantic season, especially in the south, it can't see the snow in the North

Seeking 15 excerpts from American articles
Each two sentences, but also after each two sentences to write from which article
Separate the two sentences
E.g. "*"

About 100 words of American excerpts
Who has one hundred words of beautiful articles? The excerpt is about the beautiful articles on the campus of junior high school

1. If the blackboard is the vast sea, then the teacher is the sailor on the sea. When the bell rings, you use the staff whip to make the oar, and paddle the boat like a textbook in the port. On the desk, the problems are piled up like a reef, and your gestures are vivid, like a flying bird, waving a beautiful arc on the platform - the boat

A 100 word excerpt from an American article
Must be over 100 words, the paragraph should be fluent and beautiful, and not less than 15 paragraphs If it's really good,
I want a passage! Pay attention! It's a passage! It's not prose

If you have a light in your heart, you won't get lost, you can refuse darkness and timidity, have a clear mood, a belief that you will win, and a broad mind The heart has a small window, there will be bright sunshine come in, drink some warm stories, there will be free breeze invite some flowers or white clouds
There is a fence in the heart, and then the Ivy climbs through it, and the little secrets are interspersed with it, just like the butterfly resting under the leaves, dreaming, which can only be described by pollen. There is a Jade Terrace in the heart, and the full terrace is the sachet Peiyao, the full terrace is the Jinyan coup, as well as the exquisite seashells and mysterious rosary beads They are all beautiful gods. Therefore, they are inviolable. Therefore, they have the world and themselves
A candle has a heart, so it can shed tears and inject sparkling light waves into the world; a willow has a heart, so it can bow its head and meditate, bring sober green to the sleepy earth, and a hundred flowers have a heart, so they can float the fragrance of youth in the sun
Maturity is a bright but not dazzling brilliance, a mellow but not greasy sound, a calm without looking at other people's faces, an atmosphere that finally stops appealing and appealing to the surrounding, a smile that ignores the noise, a kind of extreme indifference, a kind of thick without making any noise, and a kind of height that is not steep
Green is the clear spring under the shade of trees in summer, with a few green grass rippling in it. Green is the West Lake with appropriate makeup, which attracts countless scholars' fascination. Green is the Meiyu Lake written by Mr. Zhu Ziqing, which has become a popular article, Green is the most exciting color. Dark green gives people indifference and tranquility; light green gives people tranquility and lightness; light green gives people imagination of life. And the movement of green may give people thinking about survival, life and life
With a happy heart, you will feel happy everywhere; with a generous heart, you will feel warm everywhere. It is inevitable that you will encounter harm in life. As long as you face it bravely and firmly, it will become a rare wealth

100 words of environmental protection excerpts!
For example, there are at least 3-4 articles about environmental protection or ecological balance of the earth!

Since ancient times, mother earth has nurtured countless generations of children with sweet milk. Originally, she was beautifully decorated by the younger generation. But now, for the sake of their own interests, human beings have tormented her. There is only one earth for human beings, and the earth is facing severe environmental crisis. "Save the earth" has become the strongest voice of people all over the world
I feel heartache for the deterioration of the surrounding environment. I think: as the future successors, if they do not understand the composition of the human environment and the seriousness of environmental problems, ignore the laws and regulations on environmental protection, do not enhance their awareness of environmental protection, and consciously fulfill their obligations to protect the environment, our lives will be destroyed in their own hands, God will punish us severely. For this reason, I am determined to take care of the environment, protect our living home, and be a guardian of the environment
In the past year, I took an active part in the tree planting activities carried out by the school. I led the class cadres of the sixth squadron of junior high school to set up the "green angel" green planting and protection group. I encouraged the team members to adopt a sapling on the campus and make up for it in their spare time, laying a foundation for it to grow into a towering tree, I solemnly signed my name on it, and wrote down my determination and expectation for environmental protection, and my vision for a better future. I actively participated in the prize solicitation held by the school on world environment day, carefully consulted and collected all kinds of materials, conducted social surveys, and wrote articles on environmental governance ideas. I often went to the school to learn