500 words of American excerpts Just one! No more!

500 words of American excerpts Just one! No more!

Junior high school American excerpts 500 words, please~~~~~~

Who is the sails of the four seasons? Who is the sails of the four seasons? Who are the sails of the four seasons? Who are the sails of the four seasons? Who are the sails of the four seasons? Who are the sails of the four seasons? Who are the sails of the four seasons? Who are the sails of the four seasons? Who are the sails of the four seasons? Who are the sails of the four seasons Spring, quietly

400-500 words of American excerpts
The key is the number of words

The color of life, the color of life, has its own ups and downs, just like a palette. Life, colorful, just like a series, from which there are sour and sweet, bitter and spicy. In short, life needs color will be wonderful! Red, life needs your passion, once you have passion, that is to lay a good foundation for the future, natural, with

500 words from a good article
We need to have the main content and perception, please

Excerpt from a good article, 500 ~ 600 words,

Moonlight in lotus pond
Zhu Ziqing
I'm not quite at peace these days. I'm sitting in the yard to enjoy the cool tonight. I suddenly think of the lotus pond I've been walking through day by day, in the light of the full moon
The moon is gradually rising, and the children's laughter on the road outside the wall is gone
In the room, I was patting Run'er and humming a sleeping song. I quietly put on my coat and took him out
Along the lotus pond, there is a winding small coal road. It is a secluded road. There are few people walking in the daytime, and it is more lonely at night
On all sides of the pond, there are many trees. On one side of the road, there are willows and some trees with unknown names. There is no moon
Light night, the road is gloomy, some afraid. Tonight is very good, although the moonlight is still light
I was alone on the road, walking with my hands on my back. This piece of heaven and earth seemed to belong to me, and I went beyond my usual self to another place
In a world. I love liveliness and calmness; I love social life and solitude. For example, tonight, a person can think of anything and don't think of anything under the vast moon, and then feel like a free person. What must be done in the day and what must be said can be ignored now. This is the beauty of solitude. I'd better take advantage of the boundless lotus moonlight
Above the zigzag lotus pond, you can see the leaves of the fields. The leaves are very high out of the water, like the skirt of a graceful dancer. There are layers of leaves
In the middle of the seed, there are scattered white flowers, some curling and some bashful, just like pearls,
It's like the stars in the blue sky, or the beauty just out of the bath. When the breeze passes, it sends wisps of fragrance, as if it were a distant building
At this time, leaves and flowers also have some tremor, like lightning, across the other side of the lotus pond. The leaves are close side by side, which seems to have a bright green mark. Under the leaves is the pulse of water, covered, can not see some color; but the leaves are more beautiful
The moonlight, like running water, flows quietly on the leaves and flowers. The thin green mist floats in the lotus pond. The leaves and flowers are as if
It's like washing in milk; it's like a dream with gossamer. Although it's a full moon, there is a light cloud in the sky, so it can't be bright
But I think it's just a good thing -- a good sleep is indispensable, and a nap is also unique. The moonlight shines from the tree
In the pond, the moon is not uniform. The sky is full of shrubs, and the shadow is mottled, but it seems to be painted on the lotus leaf
But light and shadow have a harmonious melody, such as the famous music played on fan Yaling
On all sides of the pond, far and near, high and low are trees, and willows are the most
On the side of the path, there are some gaps, which seem to be left for the moonlight;
But the willow's beauty can be seen in the smoke. On the top of the tree, there are some distant mountains, just careless
One or two road lights are leaking through the cracks, listless and sleepy. At this time, the most lively is the sound of cicadas on the trees
And the sound of frogs in the water; but the noise is theirs, and I have nothing
I suddenly think of picking lotus. Picking lotus is an old custom in the south of the Yangtze River. It seems to have existed for a long time, but it flourished in the Six Dynasties. It can be seen from poems
Eliot knew that the lotus gatherers were young women, who went in small boats and sang beautiful songs. Needless to say, there were many lotus gatherers,
There are also people watching the lotus picking. It was a busy season and also a romantic season. It was well said in the lotus picking Fu by Emperor Liang Yuan
So the fairy girl, boating, said: "the beneficial bird" will return to her home and pass the feather cup; the boat will move and the algae will hang, and the boat will be ready to move and the Ping will open
In the early spring of summer, the leaves are tender and the flowers are in the beginning. They smile for fear of touching their clothes, and gather their train for fear of capsizing
We can see the scene of playing at that time. It's really interesting. It's a pity that we can't enjoy it now
So I remember the sentence in xizhouqu
In autumn of Nantang, lotus flowers pass the head, and lotus seeds are as clear as water
If there is a lotus picker tonight, the lotus here can be regarded as "over the head". It's impossible to see only the shadow of running water
It makes me miss Jiangnan in the end. When I think about it like this, I suddenly look up and feel that it is in front of my own door. I gently push the door in,
There was no sound. My wife had been asleep for a long time
Tsinghua garden, Beijing, July 1927
(2) Rosy clouds
Bing Xin
In the early 1940s, when I was living in Geleshan on the outskirts of Chongqing, I saw a sentence in the English reader's digest that made me very surprised
May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset.
May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful evening
In fact, this sunset should be translated as "luozhao" or "Luoxia"
Xia, is my old friend! I was a child by the sea, in the mountains, she is my most familiar and most beautiful little partner, she every morning and every night in the light and I said "good morning" or "see you tomorrow". But it was not until decades later that I realized that the more clouds, the more beautiful the glow. The glow from the clouds is bright and colorful
There is not only happiness and pain in life. Happiness and pain complement each other
Happiness is a cloud, and pain is a dark cloud. These different clouds overlap in the horizon of your life. When the sunset is infinitely good, they will create a beautiful evening for you
A life will come to "just near dusk" season, sunset may make people nostalgic, melancholy. But human life is never-ending. The earth keeps rotating around the sun. The East is not bright, the west is bright, the sunset in front of my window is walking on the ice lake on the east coast of the United States

Excerpts from good words, good sentences and good articles

Our school is like

Excerpt of famous works + appreciation of 500 words
Excerpt 300 + appreciation 200
Four will do

Stars in spring
This is the first time that I have completely read a modern poem and prose, and also the first time that I have read Bing Xin's works, and also the first time that I have read the moving masterpiece "stars in spring". After reading it, I suddenly feel a feeling that I have never felt before in my mind
This article was written by Bing Xin, a famous writer in China. When I was young, my family told me the story of grandma Bing Xin every day, but I never had the chance to see her works. At that time, I only knew what ancient poetry was, and I didn't know the difference between the rhythm of modern poetry and that of ancient poetry, I happened to see the article "starry spring water". Only then did I know that modern poetry is more vivid and catchy than ancient poetry and gives people higher taste. Unconsciously, I fell in love with modern poetry. If you don't believe it, just listen to me about the article "starry spring water"!
Let's take a look at this passage: the stars are shining - how can we hear their conversation in the dark blue sky?
In silence and dim light, they praised each other deeply. In a few short sentences, they outlined a picture of quiet, bright, natural harmony. Moreover, the author's imagination is so magical and wonderful that the stars without emotion in the cold night sky can praise each other. The author expresses his pursuit of "human love" implicitly. Look at such a short poem, It can reflect such a great spirit. I think granny Bing Xin must have thought hard when she wrote it
Mother, when the wind and rain came, the bird hid in his nest;
I read a few words of praise from my mother's heart to express my sincere appreciation
Reading Anne of the green house
Annie of the green house is well written, and the content is also very interesting. Good!
Anne, an 11 year old orphan, was sent to the house of a couple living in the green house by mistake. Because of her loveliness, the couple took her in. As a result, Anne went to school in the green house, and a lot of irritating and ridiculous stories happened
After reading this book, I don't like Annie again. She is lively, bold, lovely, intelligent, kind-hearted. The most important thing is that she is very imaginative and optimistic. In her eyes, everything is beautiful. She likes to talk and chatter. I hope to make friends with her. I will never be lonely with her
I hope to be a girl like Annie, a lovely girl. Because a girl is not lovely because she is beautiful, but beautiful because she is lovely
After reading "without love, the world becomes a wilderness", I feel deeply
I found that "love" can make people laugh, "love" can make people cry, "love" can make people bored All the joys and sorrows come from love, but love is irresistible
If the world is full of love, then everyone's face will be only smile; if the world is not full of love, then everyone's face will be only tears of regret
Which one will you choose between the two? If you choose the former, the world will "welcome you". If you choose the latter, the world will "stay away from you"!
I benefited a lot from reading childhood. How happy we are today with Golgi's childhood
Gorky was born in a carpenter's family. When he was 5 years old, his father died of illness, and his life became more difficult. He and his mother lived in his grandfather's home. Due to the poverty of his family, he had to wear his mother's shoes, grandmother's coat, yellow coat and patched trousers when he went to school
Gorky's disharmonious dress has aroused the ridicule of his classmates. Compared with Gorky, we are all wearing our own new clothes now. I can't help but feel ashamed to think about it. Although we have such good conditions, we are born in bliss and don't know our fortune. We are often choosy. Some clothes don't want to wear again after a long time
In order to go to school, Gorky had to pick up garbage for money. Every day when he didn't go to school, he would get up early, carry a big cloth bag, walk through the streets and pick up some broken things