First compare the size of the following formats before answering the question________________ (1) - 3 + 5________ - 3 + 5 (2) - half + quarter________ - half - quarter (3) 0 + 3________ 0-3 Through the above comparison, please analyze and summarize the size relationship between a + B and a + B when a and B are rational numbers 1. Fill in the size equals sign in question 2 and 3

First compare the size of the following formats before answering the question________________ (1) - 3 + 5________ - 3 + 5 (2) - half + quarter________ - half - quarter (3) 0 + 3________ 0-3 Through the above comparison, please analyze and summarize the size relationship between a + B and a + B when a and B are rational numbers 1. Fill in the size equals sign in question 2 and 3

By comparison, we can see that a + B ≥ a + B
When AB has the same sign, a + B = a + B
When AB is different sign, a + b > A + B

How big is the earth and how big is the sun

Earth: equatorial radius (km) 6371 polar radius (km) 6350 earth circumference (km) 40030
The diameter of the sun is 1.392 million km. The radius of the sun is measured at the edge of the photosphere. The high density gas inside the photosphere is enough to prevent visible light from passing through. Therefore, the diameter of the sun includes the photosphere, but does not include the chromosphere and the corona
Simple questions to learn to use that Google, Baidu search

The gravity of the earth and the sun
The specific value is better? It's the size

It's so big that steel with a diameter of 9000 km can also be broken,
G = 6.67e-11, gravitational constant
M = mass of the earth, M = mass of the sun, r = distance between the sun and the earth

Why is the universal gravitation of the sun equal to that of the earth?
Is the universal gravitation between any two objects a fixed value?

Why is the universal gravitation of the sun equal to that of the earth
This sentence is wrong,
The formula of gravitation between objects is f = f = GMM / R ^ 2
Where G is a constant
M and m are the masses of two objects respectively
R is the distance between two objects
According to this formula, the universal gravitation of the sun to the earth is obviously different from that of the earth to objects on the earth
In fact, they differ by many orders of magnitude

What is the gravitational force between the sun and the earth?
Using F = g * m1m2 / RR

G × (1.97 × 10 ^ 30kg) (solar mass) × (5.89 × 10 ^ 24kg) (earth mass) / (149597870000m) (149597870000m) (average distance between the earth and the sun) ≈ 3.54 × 1022n

According to gravity, why doesn't the sun suck the earth in?

Simply put, because the earth is in motion, it will produce centrifugal force, which is in balance with the gravitational force between the sun and the earth
If the centrifugal force is a little larger, the equilibrium position (that is, the average distance) of the two forces between the sun and the earth will be a little farther than it is now, otherwise it will be a little closer

What is the gravitational force between the sun and the earth?
I need accurate numbers

0.010708054 n

The gravity of the sun to the earth is f = m / R & # 178;, and the gravity of the earth to the sun is f = m / R & # 178;. In the book, the gravity of the sun to the earth is equal to that of the earth to the sun. But the distance between M and M is obviously different, so the results are obviously different. Why

The gravitation f = GMM / R ^ 2 is equal

The gravity of the moon, the earth and the sun
The moon revolves around the earth, but after calculating the gravity, we know that the gravity of the sun on the moon is twice that of the earth on the moon. Why does the moon not revolve around the sun but around the earth?

Because the moon has revolved around the sun with the earth, in the rotation system around the sun, the sun's gravity and centrifugal force are balanced, only the earth's gravity works on it

Who calculated the gravity between the sun and the earth?

Newton gave the formula, but could not calculate the constant, could not get the data. Cavendish got the constant, calculated the result accurately