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How big is the sun

On May 21, 2012, a golden ring eclipse occurred in most parts of Asia and North America
Scientists at the National Observatory of Japan used this opportunity to calculate the exact diameter of the sun as 139, 2020 kilometers

How old is the sun

The sun is now in the main sequence stage, that is, the prime of life, and its age has reached 5 billion years
The sun still has five billion years to live, and will eventually become a black dwarf and stop shining

The volume of the sun is several times that of the moon
It's volume, it's the ratio of the moon to the sun
I don't need to compare the earth to the moon or the earth to the sun.

The diameter of the sun is 1390000 km, the radius is 698500 km, the diameter of the moon is about 3476 km, and the radius is 1738 km. According to the volume formula of the ball v = π * R ^ 3, we can get V sun / V moon = (698500 ^ 3) / (1738 ^ 3) = 64915725.48, which is about 65 million times, the volume of the sun is about 1.3 million times of the earth, and the volume of the moon is only 1 / 49 of the earth

How many times the size of the sun is that of the earth?

The diameter of the sun is about 1.4 million kilometers, and the diameter of the earth is about 13000 kilometers

How big is the sun?

The volume of the sun: 1.412 × 10 ^ 18 cubic kilometers (1.3 million times that of the earth)
Mass: 1.989 × 10 ^ 30 kg (333 400 times of the earth)
The sun is about the size of 1.3 million earths
You can go to the encyclopedia, which has information

How many earths is the volume of the sun and how many earths is the mass of the sun
A little more,

The diameter of the sun is 1.39 million kilometers, 109 times that of the earth and 400 times that of the moon. The volume of the sun is 1.3 million times that of the earth, and its mass is 330000 times that of the earth. The average density is 1.4 g / cm3. The weight of the sun is 270 times that of the moon. Compared with the moon, the sun is just like the ratio of an elephant to an ant

How many earths is the size of the sun

The diameter of the sun is 1.39 million kilometers, 109 times that of the earth and 400 times that of the moon. The volume of the sun is 1.3 million times that of the earth, and its mass is 330000 times that of the earth. Its average density is 1.4 g / cm3

Is the standard deviation related to the value itself?
The standard deviation is the mean difference. No matter how different the value itself is, it is calculated with the mean value. Why does it matter?

It does matter. You look at the formula carefully. Take another example to calculate. Are 4, 5, 6 and 40, 50, 60 the same as the standard deviation?

After dividing all sample values by 2, will the standard deviation of the original value change? How?
I have a set of statistical average and standard deviation. Due to different items, what happens to the standard deviation after dividing the original average by two

M is the average value
Variance formula s ^ 2 = 1 / n [(x1-m) ^ 2 + (x2-m) ^ 2 +... + (xn-m) ^ 2]
The standard deviation is the root of variance
After M / 2, the value of standard deviation will change