Chemical equations and phenomena of senior one

Chemical equations and phenomena of senior one

Properties of sodium and its compounds: 1. Slow oxidation of sodium in air: 4na + O2 = = 2na2o2. Combustion of sodium in air: 2Na + O2 ignites = = = = = Na2O2 3. Reaction of sodium with water: 2Na + 2H2O = 2naoh + H2 ↑ phenomenon: ① sodium floats on the water surface; ② it melts into silver white spheres; ③ it swims around on the water surface; ④

It's better to put the related equations together

High school chemical equation 1. Nonmetallic elements (F2, Cl2, O2, s, N2, P, C, Si, H) 1. Oxidizability: F2 + H2 = = 2hf (explosion in the dark) F2 + Xe (excess) = = Xef2 2F2 (excess) + Xe = = xef4 (xef4 is a strong oxidant, which can oxidize Mn2 + to MnO4 –) NF2 + 2m = = 2mfn (M means most of

To find all the chemical equations of sodium
Are there any chemical equations for sodium oxides to form other substances?

②4Na+TiCl4 = Ti+4NaCl
(9) Proper amount of 2naoh + CO2 = Na2CO3 + H2O
(10) Excess NaOH + CO2 = NaHCO3
(11)NaOH +HCl=NaCl+H2O
(12)2NaCl+2H2O = 2NaOH+H2↑+Cl2↑
(14)2NaHCO3 = Na2CO3+CO2↑+H2O
(15) Na2CO3 + 2HCl = 2nacl + H2O + CO2 ↑ (the reaction is slower than NaHCO3)
(16) NaHCO3 + HCl = NaCl + H2O + CO2 ↑ (the reaction is faster than Na2CO3)
(19)2Na+S = Na2S
Pay attention to the conditions. We can't fight here
Please refer to other people's answers for those not written

Summarize the common chemical reaction equations related to sodium in high school

1. Combustion of sodium in air (flame of *) 2Na + O2 = Na2O2
2、 Sodium reacts with water (float, melt, swim, ring, red) 2Na + 2H2O = 2H2O + H2 ↑
2Na + 2H2O = 2Na+ + 2OH - + H2 ↑
3. Reaction of sodium peroxide with water (exothermic reaction, Na2O2 is a strong oxidant, used for bleaching)
2Na2O2 + 2H2O = 4NaOH + O2 ↑ 2Na2O2 + 2H2O = 4Na+ + 4OH - +O2 ↑
4、 Sodium peroxide can be used in breathing things that cover the face and in submarines as the source of oxygen
2Na2O2 + 2CO2 = 2Na2CO3 + O2
5. Soda (soda) reacts with hydrochloric acid
① Dropping soda solution into hydrochloric acid
Na2CO3 + 2HCl = 2NaCl + H2O + CO2↑ CO32- + 2H+ = H2O + CO2↑
② Add a small amount of hydrochloric acid into soda solution
Na2CO3 + HCl = NaHCO3 + NaCl CO32- + H+ = HCO3-
6. Baking soda is heated
2NaHCO3 = Na2CO3 + H2O +CO2 ↑
7、 The mixture of solid sodium hydroxide and sodium bicarbonate is heated in a closed vessel
NaHCO3 + NaOH = Na2CO3 + H2O
HCO3 - + OH - = H2O + CO32 - (if the reaction is in solution, there is ion equation)

High school common catalyst, and its chemical reaction equation
For example, manganese dioxide is used as a catalyst to decompose hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen

V2O5 industrial sulfuric acid SO2 to SO3
Na3AlF6 (cryolite) catalyst for aluminothermic reaction
The addition of H2 in organic Ni is basically his
Esterification (hydrolysis) nitration to ether ethanol elimination in concentrated H2SO4 (heated at 170 ℃ with concentrated sulfuric acid)
Bromination of Fe (febr3) benzene
Wait a minute. Read more books. There's something on it···

"Literal expression" and "reaction phenomenon" of some chemical reactions
1. Combustion of magnesium strip 2. Heating of ammonium bicarbonate 3. Heating of aeruginosa 4. Reaction of aeruginosa with hydrochloric acid 5. Combustion of red phosphorus. Write out the "literal expression" and "reaction phenomenon" of these chemical reactions
Literal expression: for example: magnesium + oxygen (ignition) → magnesium oxide

Magnesium + oxygen (ignition) → magnesium oxide 2. Ammonium bicarbonate → heating → ammonia + carbon dioxide + water 3. Aeruginosa → heating → copper oxide + carbon dioxide + water 4. Aeruginosa + hydrochloric acid → green copper + carbon dioxide 5. Red phosphorus + oxygen → ignition → phosphorus pentoxide phenomenon: 1. Shining white light, generating white solid 2. Solid reduction

[urgent!] literal expressions and reaction phenomena of some chemical reactions
1. Combustion of magnesium strip 2. Heating of ammonium bicarbonate 3. Heating of aeruginosa 4. Reaction of aeruginosa with hydrochloric acid 5. Combustion of red phosphorus. Write out the literal expressions and reaction phenomena of these chemical reactions
Text expression and reaction phenomenon

1. Emit dazzling white light to form white solid
2. The reduction of solids produces gases that precipitate the clarified lime water and turn the red litmus paper blue
3. The reduction of solids will produce the gas that precipitates the clarified lime water. If the cover glass is covered on it, water droplets will be generated
4. Bubbles appear and the solution turns blue
5. Not sure: intense combustion and dazzling white light

High school chemical reaction has a special phenomenon of the equation and phenomenon, please thank you

2 mg + O 2 ignites or Δ 2 MgO burns violently. Bright white light produces white solid. Exothermic. Produces a lot of white smoke, white signal bombs, 2hg + O 2 ignites or Δ 2 HGO silver white liquid, generates red solid. Lavassil experiment 2Cu + O 2 ignites or Δ 2 CuO red metal turns to black solid, 4Al + 3O 2 ignites or Δ 2 Al 2O 3 silver white metal turns to white solid, 3Fe + 2O 2 ignites Fe 3O 4 Intense combustion, Mars emission, black solid formation, exothermic 4Fe + 3O2 high temperature 2fe2o3 C + O2 ignites CO2 intense combustion, white light, exothermic, making lime water turbid S + O2 ignites SO2 intense combustion, exothermic, pungent gas, light blue flame in air. Blue purple flame in oxygen 2h2 + O2 ignites 2H2O light blue flame, exothermic, forming liquid (water) that makes anhydrous CuSO4 blue High energy fuel 4P + 5o2 ignites 2p2o5 to burn violently, a large amount of white smoke, exothermic and produce white solid. It proves that CH4 + 2O2 ignites the blue flame of 2H2O + CO2, exothermic and produces liquid (water) which makes lime water turbid and anhydrous CuSO4 blue. The combustion of methane and natural gas 2c2h2 + 5o2 ignites 2H2O + 4co2 Blue flame, exothermic, black smoke, generation of liquid oxyacetylene flame which makes lime water turbid and anhydrous CuSO4 blue, welding and cutting metal 2kclo3mno2 Δ 2KCL + 3O2 ↑ generation of gas which makes wood with Mars reburning, laboratory preparation of oxygen 2kmno4 Δ k2mno4 + MnO2 + O2 ↑ purple to black, generation of gas which makes wood with Mars reburning, laboratory preparation of oxygen 2hgo Δ 2hg + O2 ↑ red turns to silvery white, and produces the gas that makes the wood with Mars reburning. In lavassil experiment, 2H2O is electrified, 2h2 ↑ + O2 ↑ water is electrified and decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen electrolytic water, Cu2 (OH) 2CO3 Δ 2CuO + H2O + CO2 ↑ green turns black, there is liquid on the wall of test tube, and the gas that makes lime water turbid is heated by copper green

Help me look at these chemical reaction phenomena and equations
A. Find the reaction phenomenon and chemical equation of sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, sodium sulfate, sodium carbonate, barium chloride and water
B. Why does sodium carbonate and sodium sulfate not react?

Sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, sodium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, sodium sulfate, sodium carbonate, barium chloride
Well, none of them reacts with water
Sodium carbonate reacts with sodium sulfate without water, precipitation and elemental formation, so it does not react

The mass of an iron ball measured by a balance is 158g. When it is immersed in a beaker full of water, the mass of water overflowing from the beaker is 40g. Is the ball solid or hollow? If a small iron ball is hollow, what is the volume of the hollow part? (ρ Fe = 7.9 × 103kg / m3)

Assuming that the ball is solid, its volume should be v = m ρ = & nbsp; 158g 7.9g/cm3 = 20cm3. From the mass of water overflowing from the beaker is 40g, the actual volume of the ball can be obtained as V1 = V row = m water ρ water = 40g 1g / cm3 = 40cm3 ∵ V < V1, and the volume of the hollow part of the ball is: v1-v = 40cm3-20cm3 = 20cm3 a; the ball is hollow, and the hollow volume is 20cm3